Engagement Program: "Engagement: NaN" Status Question
I have built a single-stream engagement program and added a series of email content to the stream that send daily. After the first cast I clicked into the stream to view the engagement scores (Streams >> View >> Engement). For each content piece I see a status of "Engagement: NaN" and at the bottom of the stream view I also see "Stream Engagement: 0". This is despite the fact that I know there have been email opens, click, etc. I have the progression statuses working correctly -- any ideas on why my engagment score isn't behaving as expected? Thanks.
Re: Engagement Program: "Engagement: NaN" Status Question
Hi James,
The engagement score utilizes email metrics and to get the best score, we decided to wait 72 hours. After this point, any metrics will not affect the score. There is currently no way to adjust it.