Re: Engagement Program Content

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Engagement Program Content

I have one element of engagement programs I can't seem to find an answer for.

When a program in an engagement program does not apply to all members, do the unqualified members automatically receive the first piece of content that does apply to them or are they merely skipped in that cast?

For example, Engagement Program XYZ includes
  • Content Program A, with a smart list that requires membership in XYZ and a billing state of NY
  • Content Program B, with a smart list that only requires membership in XYZ
  • Content Program C, with a smart list that only requires membership in XYZ
I would assume that members in NY would get Content A in the first cast and Content B in the second cast, etc. Members not in NY would get Content B in the first cast and Content C in the second cast. Is this correct? Or will members not in NY just receive nothing on the first cast?

A different use case for basically the same question is

Engagement Program XYZ

  • Content Program A
  • Content Program B
  • Content Program C
If Engagement Program member Bob has already engaged with Content B (downloaded the whitepaper or whatever) his experience would be Content A in the first cast and Content C in the second cast. Whereas Sue who has not engaged in with any piece would receive Content A int he first cast, Content B in the second and Content C in the third. Correct?

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Engagement Program Content

My understanding of how this works with child programs is that 

Cast triggers Program A. If for some reason the lead is EXCLUDED from Program A, then it will receive nothing until Cast 2.

Programs triggered by a Cast run independently of the Engagement, that is, you could get into Program A on Cast 1 and still be receiving Program A's content when Cast 2 occurs.

Now, if your Child Program already had Bob in it and one of the campaigns already had Bob as a member and the campaign was set to Qualified Once, then Bob would NOT receive the content the second time. This is different than the Engagement Program knowing that Bob already received Program B and skipping that Program in the Cast.