EMEA Free Trial offer - opt in pre-checked or not?

Not applicable

EMEA Free Trial offer - opt in pre-checked or not?

Most of our 30 day free trials originate directly from the web demand gen efforts and the form I am asking about is a landing page from our website.

We only ask for First Name, Last Name and email address.

Currently we show opt in language and an unchecked box.  The person filling the form must check the box to opt-in.  If they do nothing, they are opted out by default.

We are really asking for permission to email them during the trial period.
  •   Question - do EMEA email rules apply in this situation since we have not sent them an email at this point?
  •   If not - what rules would apply here?
  •   If not - could we default the opt in box on the form to checked?
  •   What do others do in this situation?
Thanks in advance.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: EMEA Free Trial offer - opt in pre-checked or not?

It does not matter, you must abide by the rules:

Ask for opt-in. Make it clear why opting in is good or that you won't give out the trial without it.

DO NOT pre-check the box. This is illegal in Canada and I think EU.

You could explain to the user that they may receive emails related to the use of the product during the trial. Some could be operational, but be careful with those.