Emails Opened on mobile devices

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Emails Opened on mobile devices

We have just created a number of responsive email templates is there anyway to view who opens and on what device so I can show engagement on mobile ?
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Emails Opened on mobile devices

Marketo does not show opens by device.
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Re: Emails Opened on mobile devices

You might look into Litmus to track devices used.
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Re: Emails Opened on mobile devices

I have email on acid but not litmus they look similar,  I cannot understand why Marketo cannot track the device its viewed on?
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Re: Emails Opened on mobile devices

It'd be very helpful if you can share how you would like to use that information and what action you would take, so that we present the right information in the product.  Thanks.


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Re: Emails Opened on mobile devices


I believe most companies of our size would be interested to understand, the device content is viewed upon.  Therefore I am in the process of spending money upgrading all the templates to be responsive for emails.  I can show to the senior team this investment is justified based on as an example

At the begining of the year only 20% of our emails where viewed on Mobile devices, however, since the introduction of mobile responsive email templates 50% of all emails are now viewed on mobile devices and this figure is only going to rise further year or year.

For obvious reasons we can look assume people are viewing emails on mobile devices but if we have the evidence to show they are this means I can make further investments in this area to ensure our emails are compatible on a whole range of devices.



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Re: Emails Opened on mobile devices

David would it be enough to see benchmark data from Marketo on this, or do you need specific data for your company?
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Re: Emails Opened on mobile devices


It would be data related to our company.  Therefore as an example, If I could say to the team for the last campaign 25% of our audience opened the email or viewed content on their mobile device - this would give me the opportunity to invest further in developing content for all mobile devices.  At the moment because I don't have any metrics around this I cannot justify to the business why we should look to have all our content responsive so it displays correctly on mobile devices.

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Re: Emails Opened on mobile devices

David I added this as an idea, you can vote for it here: