Re: Email with a tracking link

Not applicable

Email with a tracking link

Hi Marketo Community!

I want to send an email to some of my leads with a link to a presentation, and I know it is possible to track them when they click on the link to download the presentation. Do someone have the guide to this or can explain it to me? 🙂
Tags (1)
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Email with a tracking link

Simple: Marketo rewrites your link so it bounces off the tracking/branding domain.  User clicks the link, gets redirected to the original page/document, the click shows up in their Activity Log as a Clicked Link in Email activity.  

Haven't you tested it?
Not applicable

Re: Email with a tracking link

Hi Sanford

I have tried it, but I just want to make sure I didn't do anything wrong before I send it out.
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Email with a tracking link

Unless you deliberately turn off tracking for a link (which is done by adding a special class to the A tag) you'll be fine.