I am trying to add part of the url to a link using an email script token to determine if the user is an investor or advisor to server up the correct page.
Here is the token:
I also tried this way for the token:
#if(${lead.contacttype} == "Adviser")
#set($investor_type_link = "adviser")
#set($investor_type_link = "investor")
and this way after reading an article from Sanford:
#define( $buffer )
#if(${lead.contacttype} == "Adviser")
#set($investor_type_link = "adviser")
#set($investor_type_link = "investor")
#set( $void = $buffer.toString() )
Here is how it is implemented in the email:
<a href="https://www.xyzcompany.com/{{my.UK-investor-type-url}}/blogs-details?contentPath=en-gb/blog-posts/emerging-markets-end-2019-on-a-high-note&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Marketo&utm_campaign=blog&bps=bpspg" target="_blank" title="Read more">Read blog</a>
The URL when it is clicked on in the email looks like this or with one of the above token scripts. It has the correct value (investor), but it adds the extra content in red and is not targeting the page:
https://www. xyzcompany.com/investor/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTXpJMk5qZzVaRFJsWW1VMSIsInQiOiIwc2pzWnNnd0RRYjhENHBMZE1kSW5cL3VsYklUOGZwWk9jNjFhbXkrUjViWCs3XC9iNUZxV2EwM3U4WndIZld0T29COVV1T2xnMDB1ZUtOcDZlWnNScldnPT0ifQ%253D%253D#define(%20$buffer%20)#if(${lead.contacttype}%20==%20%22Adviser%22)#set($investor_type_link%20=%20%22adviser%22)#else#set($investor_type_link%20=%20%22investor%22)#end#end#set($void%20=%20$buffer.toString())${investor_type_link}/blogs-details?contentPath=en-gb/blog-posts/emerging-markets-end-2019-on-a-high-note&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Marketo&utm_campaign=blog&bps=bpspg
Note: when I hover over the link in Marketo's preview it looks correct.
I have about 11 articles in each email and did not want to create 11 tokens with the full URL. Also this same email will go out monthly with different links each month.
Any help would be appreciated,
Solved! Go to Solution.
You need to output the entire link (opening <a> through closing </a>) from the token.
Thanks I guess then I will need 11 tokens each month.