Email performance report

Level 3

Email performance report

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to understand that we recently sent an email to a list of people; in the email performance report, the email open count and email open count on a member program status show a difference. Could anyone let me know why it is showing a different number?

Level 10

Re: Email performance report

Just to be sure: You're saying that the Email Performance Report shows numbers that are different from your Email Program's dashboard?


Ideally that should not be the case. Just to point to some usual suspects: Do you have time range filters on your Email Performance Report? Have you refreshed your report recently? Marketo Support recently told me that it may take up to 72 hours for reporting to reflect the reality of the email send.


But again: In a perfect world, the dashboard and the report should be aligned.

Level 1

Re: Email performance report

Hi @Nihal 

Hope you are doing well.


The difference between the email open count in the email performance report and the email open count on the member program status can be due to a few reasons:

  1. Duplicates and Multiple Opens: The email performance report might count every open of the email (including multiple opens by the same person), while the member program status may count each person who opened the email as just one, regardless of how many times they opened it.

  2. Different Timeframes: If the reports were run at different times, the data might have been updated between runs, leading to discrepancies.

To better understand the differences, you might want to:


  • Check the settings: Look at the filters, date ranges, and scope of each report to ensure they are comparing the same data.

Hope that would helpful. Also please let me know which program you are using for same.




Level 7 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Email performance report

Another thing to think of -- if you're looking at the member count within a Smart Campaign that was set to fire (and change a program status) based on whether or not someone opened the email, that SC may not fire if someone opens the email but has images turned off so the tracking pixel won't load.


In the email performance report, if someone opens the email with images turned off but then clicks a link in the email, it will log an open for them on the report, as you cannot have a click without an open. 


You might want to run a quick report to see if there are people who clicked a link but didn't open the email. That may account for your discrepancy.