Email Performance Report showing different results when grouping by segmentation

Level 3

Email Performance Report showing different results when grouping by segmentation


I am looking at an email performance report that is collating all emails within an engagement program. If I create a report specifying just the email/program in the setup, it brings back a sent volume of 6,735.

However when I group the report by one of our segmentations (market), the sent volume changes to 6,088. 

This segmentation is fully approved and has 0 leads in the default segment. If I remove the grouping from the report and try to choose Market Segment is default in the smart list instead, it brings back no results. Similarly, if in the smart list I choose Market Segment is not any of the defined segments, it brings back no results.

Does anyone know why I'm seeing these discrepancies? Not sure if I am missing something obvious!


Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Email Performance Report showing different results when grouping by segmentation

Well, since you have no people in the default segment, the report returning 0 entries when the default Market segment is selected seems expected. However, ideally, you should not be seeing missing email rows with or without segment grouping selected. Are you able to reproduce the results? It could have been the case that the segment might be getting refreshed at the time you pulled or refreshed the report. Also, did you add any email activity-related filters in the smart list  (e.g., Was Sent Email, Delivered Email, etc.?) as those are kept in the Activity log for only up to a period of 90 days from the date of activity.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Email Performance Report showing different results when grouping by segmentation

This actually is a thing (different totals with different groupings). IIRC it has to do with the way the statistics are memoized (persisted) even when people are deleted. I’ll try to get more info on the why(s), but it def happens.

Level 3

Re: Email Performance Report showing different results when grouping by segmentation

@SanfordWhiteman think this is it.

Would an email performance report without filters/group by segmentation show all stats for email sends within the program, but if I group by segmentation it would only pull in results for leads who still exist within the database (and therefore would not show the results for any leads who have since been deleted).

We do have deletion/anonymisation processes in place in our CRM for leads who have unsubscribed etc. so this could be playing a role.

Level 3

Re: Email Performance Report showing different results when grouping by segmentation

Hi - no, no filters in the smart list. The only thing is the dates chosen in the set up tab, and then the grouping by market segmentation. 

I've checked again today and still happening, and looked at a couple other reports as well and same thing. We definitely used to see the totals align when grouped by that segmentation as all our leads have a segment within it.