Re: email not rendering properly in iphone 8 and above

Level 1

email not rendering properly in iphone 8 and above

Hi Team,

I am facing a problem regarding rendering an email in iphone mobile view. For other email cilents it's working fine except for iphone mobile view. Have attached the screen shot for the iphone mobile view. Want the images to be aligned with the text. Can some help me on the same?



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: email not rendering properly in iphone 8 and above

Hi Sweety,


You'll have to provide a snippet of HTML (perhaps not the entire email, but the part in question). Then someone on the Community can check it out.


I think you should also explain what you mean by "aligned" — showing a screenshot from another device where it looks the way you want is the easiest way.


P.S. When you post your HTML, please use the syntax highlighter as shown in the screenshot below...

