What does it mean when my email insights for a program show 0 recipients? But then the engagement metrics are showing clicks/opens/etc.
Thank you
Do you mean Email Insights the reporting tool?
Email Insights has an overnight update. So you may see 0 there. An EP report will be more accurate for a single campaign.
Yes the Email Insights in reporting tool.
I was reviewing a campaign that deployed last month. And the recipient data is 0 but I know there were recipients. So I'm not sure if I should trust any of the values I see in Email Insights. Not sure how reliable the data is.
Depending on how you set up the date range you could have the send/deliver date be outside the specified range and the opens/clicks be inside the specified range. If you think there's an issue with the validity of the data you should open a Support ticket.
Thanks Steven! I had checked the date range to ensure the delivery date was actually inside the date range, so that's ruled out. But that's a very good thing to check!
I'll open a support ticket. Thanks!