Email feedback component

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Level 1

Email feedback component

Hello Marketo people. Has anyone had success with implementing a feedback component which allow recipients to give feedback on the email they received -AKA "Did you find this email helpful" with a thumbs up/down icon? I have created unique link for the two choices, pointing to a "thank you" landing page. I then created a trigger program that writes the activity to a field with a date time stamp along with the email name the person gave feedback on. The problem is that all of this is tied to the lead/contact. It's difficult to easily pull a report to see how emails are performing.


Accepted Solutions
Level 3

Re: Email feedback component

Hi Chuck, the program that you described should work to capture a person’s feedback on the email they received. You are correct that this information would then be available on the person’s record in Marketo. If you are looking at seeing email metrics to better understand how people interacted with the links to the 2 LPs you created, you could build an Email Link Performance report in Marketo. Make sure you select all emails where a person’s feedback is asked in the Setup tab. In the Report tab, you will then see a list of all selected emails and the links that were clicked for every one of them. It’s possible to extract this data into an Excel file and then filter the Link column with the 2 URLs of your 2 LPs. This will provide a list of all emails where either of these links were clicked and the number of clicks for each link. This might be a good start to get some insights about the performance of your initiative. Are you looking at any other specific metrics?

View solution in original post

Level 1

Re: Email feedback component

Perfect! How did I miss this easy solution. I immediately went to complex and was trying to write activity to a log via a trigger campaign. Thanks for the help.

View solution in original post

Level 3

Re: Email feedback component

Hi Chuck, the program that you described should work to capture a person’s feedback on the email they received. You are correct that this information would then be available on the person’s record in Marketo. If you are looking at seeing email metrics to better understand how people interacted with the links to the 2 LPs you created, you could build an Email Link Performance report in Marketo. Make sure you select all emails where a person’s feedback is asked in the Setup tab. In the Report tab, you will then see a list of all selected emails and the links that were clicked for every one of them. It’s possible to extract this data into an Excel file and then filter the Link column with the 2 URLs of your 2 LPs. This will provide a list of all emails where either of these links were clicked and the number of clicks for each link. This might be a good start to get some insights about the performance of your initiative. Are you looking at any other specific metrics?

Level 1

Re: Email feedback component

Perfect! How did I miss this easy solution. I immediately went to complex and was trying to write activity to a log via a trigger campaign. Thanks for the help.

Level 10

Re: Email feedback component

Just to throw in a couple more reporting ideas:


1. Program Performance Report: Create program statuses in your program's channel like "Good Feedback" and "Bad Feedback". And have trigger campaigns setting these program statuses based on the link they clicked. Then you can see the distribution of feedback quite nicely in a Program Performance Report. And if you have many emails/programs that operate with the same feedback question you even see at one glance which email/program was the most successful regarding feedback.

2. People Performance Report with Custom Columns: Always a fan favorite. 🙂 Create a People Performance Report with the Smart List "Was Sent this email". Then create Custom Columns in the database with filters on "Clicked good feedback" and "Clicked Bad Feedback". Then add these Custom Columns to your report.

Level 1

Re: Email feedback component

Another great take, with a completely different solution using programs. Love it!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Email feedback component

I would have zero trust in a feedback system that interpreted all Clicked Emails as human activity.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Email feedback component

I agree! The question should be more about is that the data accurate than how to pull that data in the first place. I'd think if people are filling out forms, engaging via meaningful and solid interactions, and progressing through the funnel, then it's a direct and fairly good indicator of email/marketing efforts working well.


However, If I still had to do this, maybe I'd rather have people fill out a very short form linked in email to let recipients give feedback on the email they received -AKA "Did you find this email helpful" - simple yes/no boolean, and since since they'd be landing from a tracked link, I can have their details prefilled so as to not having them to enter their Email Address as well. Agreed, I'd probably not see as many responses as I'd probably see via the direct thumbs-up/down links added in the email, but at least the data would be more dependable. Just my 2 cents.