Email Content Not Populating Once Sent to Recipient

Level 2

Email Content Not Populating Once Sent to Recipient



I recently came upon an issue in our Marketo instance where an email was sent out and on the recipient side, most of the copy did not populate and instead was blank. Once notified of this, I went into the email editor and all the content was there. Has anyone ran into the issue before? Any suggestions on how to tackle this? 


I assume it is an HTML issue, for whatever reason, my instance seems to add a ton unnecessary code when I copy and paste content into the editor. However, I don't have much experience with HTML so this may be normal?


Any help or advice would be greatly appreciate!



Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Email Content Not Populating Once Sent to Recipient

@Jake_Kalinoski ,

we'd need an example of email code, screenshots etc etc.


This is totally flying blind so far.


If you are totally stuck, send me a private message, and I'll give you an email address to send a test to me on.



Level 2

Re: Email Content Not Populating Once Sent to Recipient

Thank you for your response. Unfortunately I don't have any code to share as I had to immediately correct the issues because it was confirmation email for an event we are hosting.  I ended up with a workaround by cloning a separate email that had been functioning properly. My guess is it had something to do with the code that carried over from copying and pasting from a word doc. In any case, I appreciate you willingness to assist.



Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Email Content Not Populating Once Sent to Recipient

@Jo_Pitts1 is right, we need a bit more to help troubleshoot.

One tip when copying and pasting to avoid the tons of code is never to copy and paste directly, but either go through Notepad first to strip the styling, or paste using ctrl-shift-v (in Chrome) in order to strip the styling.

Level 2

Re: Email Content Not Populating Once Sent to Recipient

Thank you for your response. Unfortunately I don't have any code to share as I had to immediately correct the issues because it was confirmation email for an event we are hosting.  I ended up with a workaround by cloning a separate email that had been functioning properly. My guess is it had something to do with the code that carried over from copying and pasting from a word doc. The notepad tip is great. Thank you for that suggestion. I will be now using that moving forward in hopes to avoid this all together again.


In any case, I appreciate you willingness to assist.



Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Email Content Not Populating Once Sent to Recipient

Always go through Notepad or use ctrl-shift-v when pasting to make sure you carry across plain text only...

Level 7 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Email Content Not Populating Once Sent to Recipient

One other thought, without any code or template to go off of, but did you have dynamic content active on that module? Just thinking that, if you saw the content in the editor, but it disappeared when you sent it, there's the possibility that the module was made dynamic when the default version was blank ... and then when you added in the email copy, the dynamic sections had already been created with the blank copy and, rightfully so, weren't updated when you added in the copy to the default version. 

Level 2

Re: Email Content Not Populating Once Sent to Recipient

Thank you for your response. Unfortunately I don't have any code to share as I had to immediately correct the issues because it was confirmation email for an event we are hosting.  I ended up with a workaround by cloning a separate email that had been functioning properly. The template was not using dynamic content.  My guess is it had something to do with the code that carried over from copying and pasting from a word doc. 


In any case, I appreciate you willingness to assist.

