Re: Each lead can run through flow once every 1 month (s)

Not applicable

Each lead can run through flow once every 1 month (s)

Hi All,

Just wondered if anyone can provide some clarification around this qualifications rule.

Does this mean that if a lead receives an email at the end of Jan, they can then receive an email at the start of Feb?

Or does it mean the lead will receive an email one month after the initial communication.

Hope this makes sense.



Not applicable

Re: Each lead can run through flow once every 1 month (s)

I think this mean that if a lead receives an email, he/she can then receive an email after 1 month?

Thus it is not 'Only once'. but it is not repeat 'every month' too.

In my understanding this comes handy for lead qualification and flow logic more than sending email.


Level 6

Re: Each lead can run through flow once every 1 month (s)

Hi Matthew,

Qualification rule "Lead can pass 1's a month" would mean from the date of activity of lead entered first time then after one month Lead would be eligible to pass through the flow again.



Not applicable

Re: Each lead can run through flow once every 1 month (s)

The tricky thing for me is that what is a month? this changes as some months are shorter? so is marketo counting weeks?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Each lead can run through flow once every 1 month (s)

The more specific you can be, the better. Marketo is good about natural language in that field.

1 day = 24 hours

1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600s

1 month = 30 days

and so forth. Marketo will understand what you mean if you use larger units, but at the month or year level, it uses the standard 30 or 365. If you wanted it to run on the first of the month, you have to ask it to do that.

yes, it operates such that if the trigger or batch runs on Jan 15, the system will only let this lead qualify AGAIN on the 30th day from the first day it originally qualified.

Depending on your use case, I might consider using 31 days.

Level 3

Re: Each lead can run through flow once every 1 month (s)

Hello Josh, 


Sorry I am a entry level to Marketo. I am wondering to know if I set the qualification to be once a day, from your explanation, it means the lead will become qualified after a day. However, if the lead has gone through the flow once, will it go through the flow again after a day ?

Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Re: Each lead can run through flow once every 1 month (s)

Hey Renee, this depends a lot on how else the campaign is setup. 

Is it a trigger campaign? - If yes, they would need to take the action to trigger the campaign again, qualify for any filters, & meet the campaign qualifications.

Is it a batch campaign? - If yes, the next scheduled run after the the time limit in the qualification rules has passed, the batch would process, and if they meet the smart list filters - they would qualify to run through the smart campaign again. 

If you have a specific setup you are asking about - if you post screen shots, I can provide more detail! 

Level 3

Re: Each lead can run through flow once every 1 month (s)

Hi Jessica, 


I want to know the difference between my setting below. Both are batch campaign and the only difference is I set up the recurring schedule for A. In this case, only A will run right ? It means, when it is the scheduled time, Marketo will review the smart list and check whether they are qualified, if yes, the smart list will run though the flow.  


I also want to know for the frequency like every hour/day/month, will they more be applied in trigger campaign, for example, for the web page visit, I will limit the time that they can get scores in the flow...


Looking to see your detailed explanation. 







Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Re: Each lead can run through flow once every 1 month (s)

Hey Renee, 

Looking at your campaign settings for A and B, since B has no scheduled runs, no one would process through that campaign. Since the qualification rules on campaign A allow people to process once and hour, and the campaign runs once a day, at the scheduled run time, Marketo would process the smart list to see who qualifies and run the campaign. 

In the case of a trigger campaign, If you have a trigger that is set to allow prospects to run through once a day, they still have to take that action to trigger the smart campaign each day. 

Say based on your example, you have a "visits web page" trigger with a "Once every 1 days" constraint. 
Person visits the page in question on day 1 at 12 PM, they would trigger the campaign
Person visits the page in question on day 1 at 3 PM, they would not trigger the campaign
Person visits the page in question on day 2 at 10 AM, they would not trigger the campaign
Person visits the page in question on day 5 at 10 AM, they would trigger the campaign

And so on - hopefully that helps clear up how the qualification rules for triggers!