Dynamics CRM Integration

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Dynamics CRM Integration

After reading through a lot of the discussions, it looks like we're not the only ones that are disappointed in the resources (lack there of) for Dynamics CRM as compared to SFDC. Also, feeling a bit frustured as we were told both integrations had the same features. With that, is there a Dynamics/Marketo user group out there? I would love to connect with other users and see how they're making their integration work. 
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Re: Dynamics CRM Integration

I'd love to start a MS Dynamics MUG if anyone is interested! To see what it entails, please read Virtual User Group Leader Responsibilities & Benefits

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Re: Dynamics CRM Integration


We are another one of the small number of Marketo-Dynamics users and have felt similarly to what you describe in your note.  At the Marketing Nation conference earlier this week, we asked about a user group and were told that Marketo would set up a virtual user group for Dynamics users as part of their upcoming release of the updated Marketo Community Page.  Would be great if there was a place that we could connect and troubleshoot together.
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Re: Dynamics CRM Integration

Hi Jeff, 

That's great to hear about the possibility of a virtual user group - I agree it would be nice to talk to others about troubleshooting! 
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Re: Dynamics CRM Integration

Count my team among the few rocking a Marketo/Dynamics environment (on premises Dynamics, at that). We also suggested to our account rep that the Community have a dedicated Dynamics group. Here's hoping it gets traction.

We've been doing a lot of work to help Marketo clean up bugs with their Dynamics integration, going so far as to create our own Marketo/Dynamics data integrity tool in house to sample for synchronization issues. Things are getting better as a result, but there's a long way to go.

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Re: Dynamics CRM Integration

Hi Travis - well reach out to me anytime...we're in the same boat, trying to create new processes and help for the integration!

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Re: Dynamics CRM Integration

Another Dynamics user here! We're in the process of implementing Marketo now. No major hiccups so far, but it would definitely be nice to have a user group.

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Re: Dynamics CRM Integration

We are just starting the integration with hosted CRM 2015 and are hoping that Marketo will step up with the CRM integration.  Travis, is the tool that you have developed something that you would be willing to share?


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Re: Dynamics CRM Integration

We are also a little disappointed in the capabilities and special circumstances that we have to go through being a Microsoft CRM user. We'd love to join a group for those users to learn tricks and best practices.

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Re: Dynamics CRM Integration


After looking at the above comments, I'm bit curious to know the specific issues with Dynamics CRM in comparison with Salesforce. Could you please share some details?



About me: I'm a product manager for a data integration platform. I'm also an active user & reviewer of Marketing automation & CRM apps. Here, I'm just trying to learn from you guys.

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Re: Dynamics CRM Integration

Hi Sai,

There are functionality differences such as the Best Best feature and some other features that are supported by Salesforce and not Dynamics. Also the support and training materials are limited.