Dynamic Redirects

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Dynamic Redirects

Our team is trying to redirect landing pages while keeping the URL parameter data within the querystring. If we are using one landing page for a variety of different networks like, Facebook, Twitter, Website, etc. How would we keep this information through a redirect?

Ex. A person is on Facebook and sees an ad for our content on this landing page:
Info.company.com/video?networks=facebook&mostrecentnetwork =facebook
And we want the redirect to go to our website:
We have this landing page on several other sites as well and would like to dynamically populate the parameter info for each one. Do we have to make a redirect for each channel?
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Marketo Employee

Re: Dynamic Redirects

Hey Danny,

Check out example 2 here: http://developers.marketo.com/documentation/websites/forms-2-0/

What you'll want to do is grab the querystring before changing location.href like this:

var qs = window.location.href.split("?");

Then append it to your desired location during the redirect:

location.href = "//www.example.com" + qs;

EDIT: See below for a better answer.
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Dynamic Redirects

@Kenny E if you're trying to keep the QS and pass it verbatim to another page, your approach isn't correct:
  • String::split() returns an array and by defintion does not include the "?" character.
  • It's not necessary to parse location.href at all: location.search already contains the query string.
  • Using scheme-relative URL "//..." means you will never redirect from http:// to https:// or https:// to http://, which is a big assumption.

The correct way is:
window.location.href  = "http://redirect.example.com" + window.location.search;

However from the OP's example he isn't using the original QS but rather massaging it into a different hostname and path.  There isn't any magical way to do this except a series of case statements or regexes.