Re: Duplicate Threshold Alert

Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Duplicate Threshold Alert

Hey Community,

I am trying to brainstorm if there is a way to set up a campaign that would alert a select group of users if our duplicate numbers rose above a certain threshold. I understand that I could set up a smart list subscription that could regularly send out counts of duplicates but an alert to our data monitoring team would be more useful to raise a red flag and make a big deal about the threshold being breached rather than a regular report that may go unnoticed.

Example: Duplicate smart list count is greater than 10,000 - send alert to data team with wait step for qualifying limited to once a week in case it remains above the limit until a fix can be input and we don't want to send a million alerts.

Any ideas?

The closest I have gotten is to alert the audience to a score that is within a certain triggering factor. This score would need to be controlled by a campaign tied to our duplicate numbers which is where I get stuck. There would also need to be a lowering of the score if the numbers are below the threshold again which is where I'm stuck as well.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Duplicate Threshold Alert

no not really.

This seems like overkill. You should put the time into automated deduping processes so this isn't an issue.

Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Re: Duplicate Threshold Alert

Thanks Josh, I appreciate the response.

I totally agree, better efforts spent elsewhere but unfortunately this data issue occurs upstream of Marketo and we are the ones to usually find out as marketing is not prioritized with data changes. Just trying to protect the system as much as possible.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Duplicate Threshold Alert

Interesting goal!

I think the only way to accomplish this is to use a webhook to maintain the counter across leads. Whenever a person comes in as a member of the Probable Duplicates list (used as a nested Smart List), increment the counter; when a person pushes the counter above N, send an alert.

Or, probably easier on your system than using the nested SL a lot, have the webhook itself do the counting.

Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Re: Duplicate Threshold Alert


Thanks for the response, I figured you would chime in with a suggestion to use webhooks and ultimately it seems like the only probable solution to this given we need to count the number and hold it somewhere for reference.

I will do some investigating to see how we could build this and write up an article if we implement it successfully.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Duplicate Threshold Alert

I have a blog post coming out soon about... something webhook-related ... that, off the top my head, could be used to bootstrap this particular need without writing any server-side code except for a little SQL-like dialect.

Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Re: Duplicate Threshold Alert

I will keep an eye out! Thanks!