Re: Drip Campaign: Skip First Email in Stream

Not applicable

Drip Campaign: Skip First Email in Stream


I have a drip campaign with multiple streams (4 to be exact).

I am adding a list of tradeshow attendees to one of my streams, but I would like them to skip the first email in the stream.

Is this possible to do this without creating a additional stream? I'm hoping it is possible with a smart campaign, just in case I'm asked to do something again in the future.

Thanks in advance!

Level 7

Re: Drip Campaign: Skip First Email in Stream

Hi Kate LeCornu​,

If you embed the first email within a program (and put that program into the stream), you can use a Smart Campaign to make the leads members of the program before entering them into the stream. Leads that are already members of the program will skip the program and go to the next piece of content in the stream.

More details: Engagement Program Content and Skipping Programs

Not applicable

Re: Drip Campaign: Skip First Email in Stream

Thanks, David.

Since my drip campaign is already live, if I add the program to the stream (I already have my emails in programs, but added just the email to the stream, not the program), then will it resend that email to the current members?

Level 10

Re: Drip Campaign: Skip First Email in Stream

Hey Kate LeCornu​ - David's definitely got the right track here.

To avoid that email being resent to those who have already been send it, you can set the rules of the smart campaign within the nested program you create to exclude anyone who has either received that email already or who is from the tradeshow.

Level 8

Re: Drip Campaign: Skip First Email in Stream

This is helpful - Thanks Grace!

Tom Kerlin
Level 3

Re: Drip Campaign: Skip First Email in Stream

One thing to be aware when filtering previous recipients/tradeshow attendees in the Smart list is that they would enter the newly created Program anyway and then be blocked in the Smart Campaign. They wouldn't receive the first email but they would have to wait for the next cast to receive the second one. Similarly people currently in the stream would not receive anything for a cast, which can be annoying if you have a fairly slow cadence.

In order to avoid this you can build a separate Smart Campaign to change previous recipients/tradeshow attendees's Campaign Status to "Member" of your default Program. This way the Engagement Program would skip it altogether as if these records already ran through it.

Level 10

Re: Drip Campaign: Skip First Email in Stream

Hey Benjamin Jacquet

Kate LeCornu - Benjamin's totally right on his points and this solution would actually work more effectively than my original suggestion of using the criteria as an exclusion. I'd go with this!