Re: Documentation on RCA and modeler

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Documentation on RCA and modeler

Anyone know where I can find indepth information on the the modeler analysis? I am specifically looking for definitions of all the measures, etc. Or looking for any videos.

For example, what is the definition of a conversion rate from stage to stage? Yes, that's a simple question but can'r find that formula anywhere to be 100% sure.

Or for the analyzer, is it just stage to stage conversion or is it a waterfall conversion.


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Re: Documentation on RCA and modeler

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Documentation on RCA and modeler

There was only 1 article on the old community that described the formula. I cannot find the copy I saved now, but I'll try to find it again next week.

It is a Stage to Stage conversion, so IN - OUT = Balance and you can go OUT to any stage. Now, if you setup the campaigns well, you can properly manage that so people only go backwards when you want them to.

So in the RCE reports you have to use Stage to Stage report to understand what's really occurring. Just using Stage Conversion % masks alot of the loose ends that don't go in order.

Marketo Employee

Re: Documentation on RCA and modeler

Hey Jeff,

I don't think the measures have a dictionary outside of the product, but hovering your mouse over them will provide you with description of a given measure.

Level 8 - Champion Alumni

Re: Documentation on RCA and modeler

Good question Jeff!

there is some documentation on RCA and RCE , but it is quite superficial "click here to run the report" kind; RCE used to have its own documentation with little more details, but seems like Marketo killed it recently.

I very often find inconsistencies between what I see in RCA/RCE and what is actually happening in the database; I suspect the difference in results is due to different methodologies used behind reports and smart lists, so it would've been extremely useful to have more information on formulas behind reports.

For in depth analysis I more often than not just export the raw data and build my own reports in excel, because RCA/RCE are too unreliable and frustrating

Level 10

Re: Documentation on RCA and modeler

Several years ago, I just went into the help section of Revenue Cycle Explorer and printed every page just to have it on file. All the videos are now locked away and now need to pay for a subscription license to watch them

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Documentation on RCA and modeler

I'm curious where Marketo is requiring a fee to watch these sessions.  Is it based on license you have?  We're on enterprise and there is all sorts of free training:


Level 10

Re: Documentation on RCA and modeler

Yeah, Marketo will chop up the instances and offer different packages.

While back, we had all the free videos from 2010 to 2014 until they came up with learning Passport. We were told to purchase an annual license to access what we had free before.

Level 8 - Champion Alumni

Re: Documentation on RCA and modeler

That was very smart to save RCE documentation, is it too much to ask to share it with us ?

The course on RCE in the university seems to be promising, but they only published 2 training videos so far. What locked away videos do you mean exactly?

Level 10

Re: Documentation on RCA and modeler

There was some videos way back that I watched etc. Bare in mind this was back in 2011

I printed them out as hard copies