Re: DNS configuration for Landing Pages

Level 4

DNS configuration for Landing Pages

Hey All,

Do you know how to add text (google-site-verification=xxxxxxxxx-yyyyyyyyyy_RmjqRLLCVDVyEabcRR1MTlSo) to DNS configuration on the Marketo landing page?

We are trying to add our Marketo pages to Google Search console. Can you please advise?

Many Thanks,

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: DNS configuration for Landing Pages

You don't have to add it anywhere in Marketo.

Google lets you set up a TXT record in your DNS zone when adding a new property ("DNS" method). This doesn't touch Marketo at all.

You could, alternately, use the "HTML File Upload" method and create a dedicated LP for this purpose. I don't like this option b/c you must remember not to delete it during Marketo "cleanup".

Level 4

Re: DNS configuration for Landing Pages

Thank you Sanford!

Level 1

Re: DNS configuration for Landing Pages

@SanfordWhiteman For the dedicated landing page route, could you explain the steps there a little more? When I tried to create a blank landing page template with the same contents as the HTML file Google provided, Marketo wouldn't verify it because it doesn't include a doctype, head, body, etc. 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: DNS configuration for Landing Pages

? The file they have you download is a complete, valid HTML doc. Maybe you’re not downloading it correctly.