Re: Difference of Leads in Marketo

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Difference of Leads in Marketo

Hi All,

Recently I deployed a campaign where 3585 leads were qualified in which 29 leads were blocked  so the total sent should be 3556, but when I see reports I can see only 3479 as sent is there a way to find out why rest of them were not sent?



Level 10

Re: Difference of Leads in Marketo

Hi Appachu,

I would bet for duplicate email addresses in the 3556. If Marketo finds duplicate, it will only send the email to one for them.


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Re: Difference of Leads in Marketo

Hello Appachu Shaw​!

Grégoire is correct. Marketo will automatically avoid sending the email twice to the same email address to ensure you don't overwhelm your leads with the same content more than once.

In order to check which leads didn't receive it you can create a smartlist with the same criteria as previously and add filter such as 'not was sent this specific email' as well as is not unsubscribed, blacklisted etc etc'. You should be left with the lead that weren't sent the email but didn't get excluded because of being blocked.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Difference of Leads in Marketo

It's also possible the data shifted and reduced the number who qualified, either through email fields or other reasons. The count is only valid at the time you ran it or at the time the batch executed.

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Re: Difference of Leads in Marketo

Hi All,

Thank you for your answers, is there a way to filter out duplicate leads while setting up a smart campaign?

Level 10

Re: Difference of Leads in Marketo

Hi Appachu,

No, not really, since if you use the "possible duplicate" filter them, you will filter out both duplicates, not just the second one.

You need to cleanse them beforehand.


Not applicable

Re: Difference of Leads in Marketo

Hey Greg,

Thank you for the info