Re: Decimals showing in email dashboard

Level 2

Decimals showing in email dashboard

Hello everyone. 
2022-07-28 09_19_20-202207 Generational Change Canada version • Marketing Activities and 15 more pag.png
I have been using Marketo for over 7 years with different companies and this is the first time that I see the dashboard showing decimals in the dashboard report after I send an email. This is only happening for ONE email, sent yesterday, my other dashboards are ok and display the full hours.


It seems odd, is something I did or is someone at Marketo playing around with the display text? 🙂 


I assume it is not critical, but I wonder if it's gonna change or why it happened.



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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Decimals showing in email dashboard

Well, this is strange! I haven't encountered this till now (nor have I heard about it). This may be a small one-off issue which may get fixed on its own when the data gets is refreshed in the backend. However, I wouldn't shy away from raising a support ticket and have Marketo look in to this and find out the reason as to why dashboard is showing the data points on time axis  incorrectly. Ideally, the Opens chart in the email dashboard should look like this - 
