Data normalization flow campaign is skipping all qualified people ;(

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Data normalization flow campaign is skipping all qualified people ;(

Hey Community!

I'm struggling to identify WHY my data enrichment/normalization campaign is not processing qualified people. Here is the setup:

- Smart list: Function is empty or "other/unknown" AND Job Title is not empty.
- Flow: I have put 20+ CDV flow steps shown in the attached screenshot.
- Schedule: "Set to affect 60K people" - each person can run through the Flow every time, and there is no campaign limit.

The first time I ran this, it processed 30% of the people, and now when I run it, it skips all the people - please see 2nd screenshot showing the campaign Results tab attached.

And btw, earlier today I received from Marketo a notification saying that there was an "unexpected hiccup" for this campaign and that some flow steps may not have succeeded... - see screen attached. This is quite weird.

Any advice please?








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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Data normalization flow campaign is skipping all qualified people ;(

I think the campaign failure and people getting skipped through the flow could be two different issues. For the former, there's not much we can do other than ensure that the campaign has no errors in the SL/Flow. You should also run a smart list and update people who didn't get updated because of the campaign failure. There was a similar question posted by a user a few days ago, and I posted some of the reasons behind it; check it out here.


For the latter, I'd advise you to actually take a look at (spot-check) a few records that were skipped in the campaign flow. You can also create a smart to pull people have values you have in choice step conditions, but still haven't got skipped (fair warning that smart list filter Function is xyz would not qualify people who got their Function value changed b/w now and when they got skipped through the campaign flow). This is imp as you have choice steps with conditions in the flow, there could be a case where people didn't qualify for the set condition. e.g., if a person has a value other than those you have in your flow step conditions, then they would get skipped as they'd not meet the flow's choice step condition.

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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Data normalization flow campaign is skipping all qualified people ;(

I think the campaign failure and people getting skipped through the flow could be two different issues. For the former, there's not much we can do other than ensure that the campaign has no errors in the SL/Flow. You should also run a smart list and update people who didn't get updated because of the campaign failure. There was a similar question posted by a user a few days ago, and I posted some of the reasons behind it; check it out here.


For the latter, I'd advise you to actually take a look at (spot-check) a few records that were skipped in the campaign flow. You can also create a smart to pull people have values you have in choice step conditions, but still haven't got skipped (fair warning that smart list filter Function is xyz would not qualify people who got their Function value changed b/w now and when they got skipped through the campaign flow). This is imp as you have choice steps with conditions in the flow, there could be a case where people didn't qualify for the set condition. e.g., if a person has a value other than those you have in your flow step conditions, then they would get skipped as they'd not meet the flow's choice step condition.