Re: Custom Product Score Trigger

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Custom Product Score Trigger

For example:

     document.location.hash = document.querySelector('META[name="description"').content;


The logged Visit Web Page would be: your inbox

Using this method, any supplementary information you can read out of the page content can be appended to the URL on the first hit and there's no need to create a second, fake hit. 

In modern browsers, instead of changing the hash you can replace the entire query string with whatever you want (without refreshing the page, of course). It looks cooler and I actually prefer it, but you won't get IE 8/9 compatibility unless you force a refresh in those old browsers.  Changing hash works in all browsers, but some sites are deliberately sensitive to hash changes as part of their navigation (web apps like Jive, for example) so you'd want to add to existing logic if you have such a site.  (Then again, if you use the hash this way you may not care about IE8/9 so much so you can use the other method.)