Hi everyone,
Currently we have our graphic designer creating custom email templates for us and in the preview box the email templates show up just fine, but when we send a sample email the pictures do not show up (even when we click download images). Has anyone else ever had this problem. I'm very new to the Marketo platform, so any guidance would help .
Without knowing your email code or seeing a sample...hard to say.
Sometimes the image URLs are not correctly inserted. So they may work on a local system and not outside of Marketo. That's where I would check first.
Hi Josh,
Thank you for responding. Our designer informed me that the only problem he thinks it could be is that the urls should start with a "https://" and right now it starts with out the "http:" without the "s". Is this something that has to be activated for our account? He followed the image "how-to" guides of Marketo pretty closely.
Is SSL setup for your Marketo pages? I can't tell from here. If it wasn't setup properly, it's possible that's a problem, but doubtful. Usually redirects automatically.
it's more like:
Image URL=http://go.firm.com/MKT-ID-NUM/filename.jpg vs. something else like a local path.
Got it! We are currently in the process to recieve approval for our SSL Certificate. Marketo informed us it takes up to 2-3 weeks. I didn't know that this could have an affect on our email template build. This is good information to know.