Re: Creating multiple scoring programs/rules based on different industries

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Creating multiple scoring programs/rules based on different industries

We have three primary vertical markets, each with a different set of 'sales readiness' requirements. Being new to Marketo, I'm curious if others have developed separate programs, or developed a way within a master program to differentiate based on a lead's vertical.
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Re: Creating multiple scoring programs/rules based on different industries

I'd be very interested in an answer to this as well. Currently our sales reps don't really use the scoring system we have in place because it doesn't account for things like different products and market segments.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Creating multiple scoring programs/rules based on different industries

Hi Trask,

Yes, you can do this. If you do a search, you should come up with a thread or two.

So a couple of key things to note:
  • try to have product fields or interest fields to help you.
  • use the title field to help determine product line too.
  • setup segmentations and/or smart lists to group leads by product line. Some might land in both, so you need to decide if that's ok.
  • Your workflow should ensure that leads from the correct product groups get scored. So your campaigns should only include the leads you want and explicitly block leads you do not want getting scored.
  • You can do this within one or more Programs using several campaigns.
  • Some people use Workspaces to divide up such leads, but that's a whole other story.
  • You will have to decide how to handle leads which are not ready to be scored by product. Usually they are just out there since they don't have the detail to be scored fully.

Hopefully that gives you a start on mapping this out. Also check out my lead scoring posts:
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Re: Creating multiple scoring programs/rules based on different industries

Thanks, Josh.

In this case, I'm envisioning something slightly similar, but slightly different. How's that for ambiguity?!

Our products actually apply to different verticals, so a customer in one industry may have the same set of products as one in a completely different vertical. What I'm curious about is how best to include the industry-specific qualifying criteria within a scoring program. For example, in healthcare, we guage company size in terms of the number of beds in their hospital system, whereas a banking lead might be qualified based on the company's asset size.

Does that make sense? Just trying to get a little perspective on whether other marketers have approached things in the same way. Thanks!
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Re: Creating multiple scoring programs/rules based on different industries

In the Score flow action, use Choices that assign different point values based on the value in the Industry field.