This would be pre-SFDC. We're using SFDC for marketing and sales qualified leads and Marketo for our higher-funnel leads.
I'd like to create a dimensionalized table for product interest and scoring. This would allow a 1:n relationship between leads and product insterests and scores.
1. We create temp storage fields for responses.
2. We have a campaign listening for those fields to get populated.
3. The values are written to the new table: LeadID, ProductID, FieldA, FieldB, FieldC (etc).
4. Values are wiped from the temp fields.
Now I need to segment by my new table. If I have a lead that's qualified for ProductA, send that to sales. If he's not yet qualified for ProductB then put him in Nurture for ProductB and turn ProductA into an opportunity. As he qualifies for B then send him into SFDC.
Robb Barrett