Hey Alison, what I think you want is something like this. A landing page which automatically redirects to the link of the Article. Such that when someone arrives at the page, a visit is tracked and then they are displayed the content. This gets around not being able to track clicks to other people's sites.
This is easy. I've replaced the word "script" with **** in order to not break the community.
<***** type="text/javascript">
function delayer(){
window.location = "http://www.urltoredirectto.com"
<body onLoad="setTimeout('delayer()', 300)">
All you need to do is create a Marketo Landing page. Put some basic text, "Please wait your link is loading" .. then grab a custom HTML block and put it on top of your logo (this is a really important practice that allows everyone to find custom HTML blocks quickly). Insert the script above into the HTML block and change the URL for window.location= ... Then the other thing you can customize is the number of miliseconds that someone sees your landing page before redirecting. Here I've got it set on 300ms. If you want it longer or shorter you can add or subtract 0's.