Hi Everyone,
I work for a company that has several different product line represented on one website. We were oringally only using Makreto for our main product line. Recently I beganthe process of adding new workspaces and partitions for additional product lines into our Marketo instance. In order to make sure new leads get into the correct partition I have settup a field called "Division". I have also created corresponding Lead Partition Rules based of the "Division" field.
Lead Partition Rules
If Division = "A" then lead created in Partition A
If Division = "B" Then lead created in Parittion B
I have included a hidden "Division" field on all forms that corresponds to the correct partiton.The idea being that if a lead that already exsits in Partition A fills out a form for Product B the hidden field will set Division = "B" and a new lead will be created in Partition B without any changes to the original lead in Parition A.
Through testing I have found that the Marketo cookie on our website is causing this process not to work.Here is an example.
It don't believe this would be an issue if each of our product lines had its own website with a unique cookie. But because we share a singele website across multiple product lines the cookie is affecting how leads enter partitions.
Has anyone seen a similar issue? Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thanks everyone!
@Cam C Try deleting the _mkto_trk cookie before you embed the form. The session will then have an unknown lead at the time the form is submitted.
Sounds like the core feature of Marketo getting to "know" the current lead for future/past activity by filling out a form is tripping you up. It's a feature, but in your case it seems like a bug.
Hey Cam,
I found this post and it seems we're having similar issue here. Did you manage to sort this out?