Re: Clicks Link in Email Date of Activity

Level 5

Clicks Link in Email Date of Activity

Is there an easy way on the "Clicks Link in Email" trigger to set Date of Activity to be NOT last 7 days?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Clicks Link in Email Date of Activity

I think in Past Before may work.

Depends on what you are trying to do. Not Was Clicked Link may also help.

Level 5

Re: Clicks Link in Email Date of Activity

I had originally thought in Past Before, but unfortunately it is not an option for this trigger.  We are just trying to use this as a small drip campaign until our nurture engagement programs are up and running.


Marketo Employee

Re: Clicks Link in Email Date of Activity

Date of activity doesn't really make sense with a trigger, unless it's in conjunction with the minimum number of times constraint.  Who are you trying to qualify in your campaign?

Level 5

Re: Clicks Link in Email Date of Activity

We are creating a 3 email drip campaign.  The first email we send will be pushed by us, but then email 2 and 3 will be sent a week after the lead clicks the link in the email.  We have tried adding a wait step in the flow, however it doesn't seem to fire correctly.