Re: Changing a Marketo URL after an email program has broadcast

Level 2

Changing a Marketo URL after an email program has broadcast

Hello Community, 


I have a PDF file hosted in design studio that is being used in an email program. The email broadcast has already started broadcasting.


If I replaced the PDF file in design studio with a updated version, will the email that is already broadcasting be updated with the latest version or is the PDF file URL unable to change once the email has broadcasted?


I realise that there will be people in my audience that have already downloaded the original PDF. 


Thank you 

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Changing a Marketo URL after an email program has broadcast

People who have already received the email/have the Send Email activity in their person activity log (which happens ahead of the actual send date time in case of head start and/or recipient time zone options selected), would still see the original version of the email, i.e., the one with the old PDF URL. People who are sent the email after the changes are approved (i.e., the Send Email activity is logged after the email changes are approved) will be sent the updated email content.


Edit: If you updated the PDF file in the Design Studio using the Images and files actions > Replace image or file, instead of updating the URL in the email itself people would see the newer version on clicking the PDF CTA (given that the older version isn't cached in the browser which could happen in some cases).


I hope this clears it up. Please let us know if you have questions.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Changing a Marketo URL after an email program has broadcast

Did you actually change the URL, or replace the underlying asset at the same URL? Those lead to very different outcomes.