Cc line question

Level 2

Cc line question

We want to send mail and add someone to the cc line to enable them to reply to the mail directly. As it stands now, we can send others copies of the mail but the reply goes to the sender only. This is a large roadblock for us. You are sort of my Obi Wan Kenobi (“only hope” of solving). Any thoughts would be appreciated

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Cc line question

Unfortunately, Marketo does not support this capability.  There's a good discussion around this here: Can we add CC in email campaigns?

You can also vote on the 5-year old idea

Level 2

Re: Cc line question

Thanks, Dan! I voted on it. I had asked a similar question last year and had to do a clunky work around. This time our sales execs aren't willing to do the work around. It would be nice if Marketo could make this functionality a priority, especially after 5 years of it being requested.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Cc line question

But the recipient would have to click "Reply All," even if there were a CC.

Does Sales think people do this in response to marketing emails? It seems like they don't get user behavior. If you could convince recipients to reply-all, you could create some very successful phishing campaigns, I'll say that much...

Level 2

Re: Cc line question

This practice for us is so that the Cc'd person can pile on with a reply to all as they are the known channel partner to the lead and their participation is to help validate our team as legitimate for reaching out. We aren't expecting the lead to reply all until the channel partner has done so.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Cc line question

OK, in this unique workflow I can see how it would work. In the wider scheme, such a feature would allow people to create spammier campaigns -- and it would be very difficult to explain to people why it's a bad idea. If this is a critical need you might think about gatewaying your Marketo mail through your own mailserver, where the message headers+body can be altered. Of course this is a big technical undertaking.

Not applicable

Re: Cc line question

I have the same problem. In some sales emails, we like to add a cc so that the recipient can reply all and the coordinator "cc'd" can arrange a meeting for the sender.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Cc line question

But recipients of marketing messages can't be expected to Reply-All.  It's not a reasonable expectation (and instructing them to Reply-All is pretty strange IMO).

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Cc line question

Something else I mentioned on another thread on this topic: if you instruct people to Reply-All, they'd be right to wonder if you're trying to trick them into forwarding spam to other people.

Know the spammer/malware distributor's trick of forcing a bounce message to go from a legit mailserver to a forged sender? This is similar, since there's no reason to believe an email address in the CC: header was ever sent the message. If the recipient Reply-Alls, you've perhaps tricked them into sending email from their server to an innocent person.

Of course in all email there's a level of trust involved -- I could play this same trick using my personal account. But with Marketo-originated emails one should appear as trustworthy as possible, since the recipient may already be seeing [May Be Spam] or [Suspicious] in their Subject: line....