Re: Can we continue with same marketo community account in next organization?

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Level 4

Re: Can we continue with same marketo community account in next organization?

That's a great email address Janet Dulsky​...

Michael Tucker
Marketo Employee

Re: Can we continue with same marketo community account in next organization?

Michael Tucker​, I wish I could take credit for the email alias name but all the credit lies with our Customer Care team...because they do truly care!

Level 2

Re: Can we continue with same marketo community account in next organization?

Hi Janet, 

 I emailed MarketoCares but not have heard back, and I need my new profile merged with my old one. 

I need my email address from merged into my address, with my IBM address profile/content/points from that address to this one. Please let me know what else I need to do 


Level 4

Re: Can we continue with same marketo community account in next organization?

Hey Ariel, 

Good to hear from you... hope you're well. Yes, you can definitely get your profile merged... I just did this last year. It's more like they transfer your old profile to your new contact information / organization actually. So don't put a lot of activity on your new community account until they do the transfer because that will be overwritten by your old profile. 

Net/net, the only thing that I lost was my points and history of interactions badges on community. They gave me a bulk amount of points to help qualify for future badges, etc. but I don't think that feature is used that much on Jive anyways so it really wasn't a major concern for me. 

Hope that helps, 

Michael Tucker

Michael Tucker
Marketo Employee

Re: Can we continue with same marketo community account in next organization?

Ariel Sasso‌, Jonathan Chen‌ will work with Customer Care to get your profile swap taken care of.

Thank you for reaching out.


Marketo Employee

Re: Can we continue with same marketo community account in next organization?

Hello Ariel,

I have sent you an email to your address regarding the swap. For future reference, account swaps are now done by the domain Please reach out if you have any other questions!

