Can a Smart List be Used in the Custom Object Field?

Level 2

Can a Smart List be Used in the Custom Object Field?

I'm looking to get more granular with my dynamic content. Is there a way to create a Smart List and then make that Smart List a Custom Object?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Can a Smart List be Used in the Custom Object Field?

Your phrasing is quite strange, as Smart Lists and Custom Objects are wildly different concepts!


  • Smart Lists are dynamic collections of person records based on simple or complex filters. A person can be a member of unlimited Smart Lists, as SL membership is computed on the fly.
  • Custom Objects are (in the broadest sense) groups of fields with a united business purpose. Each CO record is related to one person record.* A person can have multiple COs of the same type, as well as multiple COs of different types.


A Smart List can therefore include people who have Custom Object records with certain types + field values. But a Smart List will never be a Custom Object.


Can you explain exactly how you imagine Custom Object records intersecting with dynamic content?




* yes, deliberately simplifying by leaving out junction-leaf config