Re: Best Webinar Platfrom - GTM, WebEx, BrightTalk, InXpo, ReadyTalk, Adobe??

Not applicable

Best Webinar Platfrom - GTM, WebEx, BrightTalk, InXpo, ReadyTalk, Adobe??

Hello Community,

We currently use BrightTalk for our webinars, but we used to use GoToMeeting and WebEx. All have Launchpoint integrations, which as you'd assume, is important. We chose BrightTalk because it was cheap ~$6.5K and we could sponsor content-specific events to their community to boost registration numbers. But lead quality has been poor and the end-user experience bad (at times) with audio/video buffering during a live event.

Anyone using a webinar platform they love? We're considering our options before renewing.

All feedback is welcome.



Not applicable

Re: Best Webinar Platfrom - GTM, WebEx, BrightTalk, InXpo, ReadyTalk, Adobe??

I have had the best luck with GotoWebinar!  It's never failed me.  As far as integration capabilities  Goto, webex, On24 are all on par with each other.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Best Webinar Platfrom - GTM, WebEx, BrightTalk, InXpo, ReadyTalk, Adobe??

Not to be contradictory, but I've seen the G2M/G2W connection fail a few times in Marketo, and have heard similar horror stories of the sync failing mere minutes before a webinar is scheduled to begin.

I've heard nothing but good things about On24, though.

If it doesn't look cool, you're probably doing it wrong.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Best Webinar Platfrom - GTM, WebEx, BrightTalk, InXpo, ReadyTalk, Adobe??

The sync can be a problem between ANY platform, and I've had issues with ON24, especially on its side of the system.

I prefer GTW for it's simplicity and clarity as an integration and a webinar tool. Unless you are planning some giant amount of people, ON24 and Adobe are overkill. I would look at your needs vs. what the platform offers for the money.

Btw, the sync between Marketo and GTW can take 1 minute to 1 day to refresh AFTER a webinar (same with webex), but there shouldn't really be an issue if the sync fails right before your webinar. By that time, all of your people will be in the webinar and that has nothing to do with the data sync.

You can always export out of GTW and reimport with the Program Statuses if anything fails. It's rare vs. the reported problems here on the forums.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Best Webinar Platfrom - GTM, WebEx, BrightTalk, InXpo, ReadyTalk, Adobe??

yeah, fair point on syncing - nothing is bulletproof.

The occasions I was thinking of were a bit... unique. Running webinars in conjunction with a partner (paid through their site), and getting new registered attendee lists from them right up until about 10 minutes before the webinar. It was definitely an object lesson in how to have too many moving parts!

If it doesn't look cool, you're probably doing it wrong.
Level 10

Re: Best Webinar Platfrom - GTM, WebEx, BrightTalk, InXpo, ReadyTalk, Adobe??

I personally have had success with GTW. It's a simple connection, and hasn't given us many headaches in the several years that we've used it. We typically host ~30 webinars/year, each with 1500-3000 registrants. My only complaint is that you don't get survey information through the connection, but I'm not sure if you do with other systems either.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Best Webinar Platfrom - GTM, WebEx, BrightTalk, InXpo, ReadyTalk, Adobe??

I have used On24, ReadyTalk and GoToWebinar. All 3 worked fine and their integrations with Marketo are about the same, but I really preferred On24. I felt it was easiest for our prospects to use because there was nothing to install and we were able to easily add polls, surveys and downloadable assets to their dashboard.