To add to Jackie's comments, by keeping the landing pages in their respective programs, you can utilize tokens which will auto-populate the information that you're referring to in the landing and confirmation pages. You can also use a hidden field on forms with a string attached to the URL if, for example, you currently have two different URLs that point to identical pages and you just need to know where they came from.
We have our template landing pages in the design studio, but in the Marketing Activities, we also have template programs (standard programs, we've just labeled them as templates so that we know they are content-free) which contain a landing page, thank you page, flow campaigns, progression campaigns, the tokens with a descriptor of how they must be filled out, etc. To create a new event, we just clone the template event, update the tokens and anything else specific to the event, and then we're set. Much faster, more efficient, and less chance for error in my opinion!