Re: Automating Bouncing Emails in SalesForce

Level 1

Automating Bouncing Emails in SalesForce



We run campaigns regularly through Marketo for conferences throughout the year. We utilize SalesForce to track the contacts then pull that list to create our outreach campaigns. I want to automate the process of changing the SalesForce contact field "Email is Bouncing" to true, when an email bounces. My best thought was to create a trigger, that runs whenever an email bounces, thus changing the data value "Email is bouncing" to true. I just am not sure if that will update SalesForce with that information as well. Is it also better to do a running trigger, or to do a retroactive "Campaign" that takes all emails bounced, then changes them once the campaign is done? 


Thank you!

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Automating Bouncing Emails in SalesForce

If Marketo has write permission for the contact field Email is Bouncing - then it should sync with the SFDC in the next sync cycle when the data value is changed for a contact in Marketo. Trigger will let you update the Email is Bouncing field to True in near real time (as soon as bounce activity is logged in Marketo) - updating via a one time batch campaign comes with a possibility that the records for which bounce activity gets logged after the campaign run getting missed from the field update. Also, you may already know this but FYR: "Email Bounces" (trigger)/"Email Bounced"(filter) is for Hard Bounces; there is a separate "Email Bounces Soft" (trigger)/Email Bounced Soft" (filter) that you can use to capture soft bounces.

Level 7 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Automating Bouncing Emails in SalesForce

You'll want to work with your Salesforce team to ensure that the field you're using in Marketo is correctly mapped to a similar field in Salesforce. 


You may already be doing this, but you will also want to consider creating an overall bounce strategy as to what kinds of bounces are going to trigger an update to that field and whether or not having this field marked as true would prevent future sends to these accounts.


  • Are you only considering hard bounces, or will you also have this field marked as true after a number of soft bounces as well?
  • If someone has a successful delivery after a previous bounce, will this field then be toggled to false? 
  • Will you want to record the bounce back message and have that passed to Salesforce as well?

Also, just because an email bounces, it could be rejected by a spam checker, not necessarily because the email is bad or invalid, so that's also something to keep in mind.