Ron, good question and nice meeting you at the SMMUG. This approach might address your concern.
A Leads by Status Analytics report is probably best if you're to do the reporting in Marketo.
Capturing the MQL info is a bit more tricky. 2 methods I can think of.
To capture the MQL month, you can create 2 text fields in Salesforce: 1 for Lead, 1 for Contact. As long as you use the same API name, I believe, Marketo will recognize this as 1 field.
You'll need to create 2 corresponding Salesforce workflows to capture the month when a record meets your MQL criteria. Trigger = your criteria, Flow = stamp current month.
Add this field as a smartlist column (sorted by Lead Status) and you're there. Further analysis can be done in Excel if needed.
Create 2 date fields (not text fields) in Salesforce: 1 for Lead, 1 for Contact.
Use a Marketo flow step to capture the date of MQL. Smartlist criteria = your MQL criteria. Flow = Change data value of <your MQL date field> is "today"
Note that Marketo is smart enough to recognize "today" and put today's date.
Add this field as a smartlist column to your Lead Status report. If you need to bucket further, you can do it in Excel. Otherwise, Marketo will have the date, not month of your MQL.