Tracking Actual MQLs vs Qualified Leads Who Haven't Responded

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Tracking Actual MQLs vs Qualified Leads Who Haven't Responded

I'm looking for ideas on how to best report on actual MQLs (which for us is leads with annual revenue 100M+ and have "responded" in some way). My current process is capturing people who haven't "responded" to anything yet - sales often buys people from and I don't want to count them until they respond to a campaign.

Is the best way to creat a complex smart campaign with all sorts of behavioral triggers that would check and "MQL" checkbox in salesforce? Curious how other people do this, thanks!
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Re: Tracking Actual MQLs vs Qualified Leads Who Haven't Responded

Hi Gina!

Yes, you can create smart campaigns to trigger off your definition of "responded" which could be fills out form, clicks link in sales email, etc. and have a filter criteria for annual revenue greater than 100M+.

I would suggest creating separate smart campaigns for each response you would like to track so that you are able to which responded action they take is generating the most MQLs.

Are you also setting up a smart campaign to uncheck the "MQL" box in salesforce? Often times people will MQL multiple times so you might want to have a trigger for when the lead status changes.

Hope this helps!
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Re: Tracking Actual MQLs vs Qualified Leads Who Haven't Responded

I have a extended life cycle program for this. We have several triggers that determine MQL. These look at field updates and engagement. When MQL it requests the process MQL campaign, which first determines the business unit to sync to.
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Re: Tracking Actual MQLs vs Qualified Leads Who Haven't Responded

What about things that you can't trigger off of? Such as social interaction? We have a good amount of interaction on LinkedIn and Twitter which we count as a "response" - thus making someone an MQL.
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Re: Tracking Actual MQLs vs Qualified Leads Who Haven't Responded

If you use Marketo Social Marketing there are a few triggers you can use (e.g. shared link). My guess is your pointing towards interaction of a suspect with your companies Twitter or Linked account (not with each individual employee of course). In that case there are API's out there which you can hook up with a Marketo webhook.

We have the LinkedIn plug-in for Salesforce. This automatically finds someone's LinkedIn profile based on the provided email address. In theory we should be able to detect interaction.

But my best advice to you is to keep it simple and manageable. Start with the social engagement. And perfect that process first. It takes a lot of effort to change things in the pipeline progress within companies.
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Re: Tracking Actual MQLs vs Qualified Leads Who Haven't Responded

How would you track how many are you created per month vs how many you have total on a given date? Meaning I would want to be able to tell how many MQLs were created within a month, which does line up with with lead create date.

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Re: Tracking Actual MQLs vs Qualified Leads Who Haven't Responded

Hi Gina,

I use our revenue model to show the amount of MQL's in stock.
But you could also just create a smartlist (or leads report) with lead status is MQL.

We push all MQL's to Salesforce when they reach MQL, so the the Salesforce create date is used in a Salesforce report to show the ammount of generated MQl's in a month.
But you could also just create a custom field in Marketo and store the MQL date there. And run a report.
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Re: Tracking Actual MQLs vs Qualified Leads Who Haven't Responded

Hi Diederik! Do you have a way to measure MQL by program in Marketo/SFDC campaign? I know this report is not avalable in RCA, but curious if you know another workaround for this.
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Re: Tracking Actual MQLs vs Qualified Leads Who Haven't Responded

Not quite sure how you want to track it, but in RCA you can use FT (first touch) to see what programs generated the leads (filter to include MQL's only). And you can also check on MT (multi touch) to see all the other programs that contributed up until the MQL status. As it's most likely MQL's have been members of multiple programs before becoming MQL.

I also have custom fields to store latest program name and MQL reason. This also helps me a lot.

You can also run a program report and filter on MQL only.
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Re: Tracking Actual MQLs vs Qualified Leads Who Haven't Responded

Hi Diederik! Thanks for the recommendations! Question regarding the RCA report for FT & MT, did you pull in a custom field to measure for lead status/revenue model stage? I only see opportunity information and nothing for lead statuses. Also, which program report are you referring to? The one in the Analytics section doesn't have any smart list to filter for MQL only.