Activity data in Alteryx

Level 2

Activity data in Alteryx


I would be grateful if someone can direct me towards a solution. I have a number of email campaigns created in Marketo. I need to create a report to show activities (sent, opened, clicked etc) for each campaign. I can connect to Marketo REST API using Alteryx connector and can access the activity data. But need some guidance on how to link the data with specific campaign (email). All I need is an example of a similar scenario.



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Level 5

Re: Activity data in Alteryx

Hi Farooq,

The Alteryx connector, although easy to use, does not bring down the necessary level of detail you need to do this (no idea why it missed such a glaring thing?!) - you will need to create your own workflow within Alteryx - this will need to do the following:

- Obtain an Access Token

- Obtain a Paging Token

- Iterative Macro to loop over each relevant Activity ID (10 - Open Email , 6 - Send email etc) to get each page of data

- Write to the DB


Level 2

Re: Activity data in Alteryx

Thanks Neil,

sorted out now. This was helpful.


Not applicable

Re: Activity data in Alteryx

Hi Farooq,

You may need to pull programs and campaigns from Marketo and link email activities with programs and campaigns based on the ID or Name.

I think you can try Data Loader for Marketo (DLM)​ which allows you to sync Marketo data to the database without any coding. DLM supports Leads, Programs, Campaigns, Activities, and Opportunities. With this data, you can easily combine activities with other objects to build reports. Here is the link to the article that you can know how to achieve it. Some useful analysis you can do with lead activities!​

We have run this practice for a long time. We pull all data from Marketo to our data warehouse and do analytics with Tableau. If you have any questions about Marketo data or Marketo reports, feel free to contact me directly Thanks!


Level 2

Re: Activity data in Alteryx

Thanks Vivian,

I have sorted out within Alteryx using the connector and append tools. I understand third party software could make it easier interface wise, but was reluctant to unless absolutely needed.

Thanks for sharing your experience.


Level 1

Re: Activity data in Alteryx

I have a similar concern.. can you help?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Activity data in Alteryx



As this thread is very, very old I recommend opening a new one with a thorough description of your situation.