Re: A way to add members to a program directly without list upload?

Level 1

A way to add members to a program directly without list upload?


We have around 15 leads from a tradeshow that we would like to add to a program but don't want to go through the hassle of creating a list then uploading it to add them.  We don't use the Marketo Ipad app to check people in at events because it's a tad to slow.  Our sales team will just collect information through mainly business cards.

Is there a way to add new members to a program manually? 

We have a form that we could key in but would need to create incognito browser window each time so cookies are passed - which is a hassle.

Obviously this is sort of a whiny request but I am just curious if there is an easier way I am overlooking

Level 9

Re: A way to add members to a program directly without list upload?

Hi Zach,

Not sure if there is any "easier" way than to add them to a spreadsheet & upload. You could enter them directly into your CRM, but that will involve a few more steps than a spreadsheet and campaign. (Depending on how your CRM is set Up).  I believe either way it will have to be manual data entry.

There are some apps that allow you to scan business card and it will populate an excel sheet, but they are pricey! Usually this app service is available, and only useful, for big industry events. Sorry not much of a solution to the problem.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: A way to add members to a program directly without list upload?

List uploads are annoying, but there's nothing that's going to be faster than that. Does the tradeshow not offer a lead retrieval system?

Amy Goldfine
Marketo Champion & Adobe Community Advisor
Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Re: A way to add members to a program directly without list upload?

Is your issue more that you don't want to or don't want employees to have to key in information from business cards manually? You've stated that you don't use the app to check in because it's slow, don't use the form because it's a hassle, and don't want to import a list and manually add them.

I do think that the list import is super easy but I'm trying to feel your pain here. I read it as the you have this situation with business cards that you need to solve. If that's the case I'd consider automating that process but using some type of card scanner app that can import these leads or aggregate them together for and easy import.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: A way to add members to a program directly without list upload?

Post is from 2 years ago...