Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Pierre Flovie] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Pierre Flovie] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Hello Monica and welcome to the program. I can see you a significant amount of experience with Marketo and other digital tools as well. I couldn't agree more and the Adobe Architect Master Certification is your next step.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to post your questions here so we can all participate, help and inspire each other. 

Thank you




Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Pierre Flovie] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Hi Pierre and everyone,

I'm a Martech professional with six years of experience working with an agency, primarily focusing on various Marketo instances. Apologies for the delayed introduction; I was tied up with something. I'm interested in pursuing my Architect certification to deepen my knowledge of Marketo and explore its possibilities within a larger tech stack beyond my current exposure. I also hope this certification will give me a more significant role in internal discussions about optimizing our tech stack and introducing more innovations to our organization.

Level 3

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Pierre Flovie] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Hi Pierre and fellow Aspirants,

I took the practice Master exam recently and reviewed the areas where I didn't perform well. These are mostly the questions that referenced the Unicorn Case Study.


I felt as though I read the questions carefully and tried to look for information specifically relating to the question as I read the case study, but got many of them wrong. Assuming the actual exam is very similar to the practice, do you have any advice for interpreting the case studies for a correct answer? 



Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Pierre Flovie] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Hi Kat,


Thank you for your question. The good thing is that you tried and identified areas where you could improve your performance.


Given your limited time, you cannot afford to read the entire use case. You have 100 minutes for 50 questions. Based on my experience and feedback from colleagues who have taken a Marketo exam, here is a plan of attack you could try:


  1. Identify Relevant Sections: Quickly parse the case study to find the section relevant to the question at hand. Avoid reading the entire case study for each question.

  2. Prioritise Questions: Answer questions you're confident about first. Return to more ambiguous questions later, which may help you find clues within other questions.

  3. Practice: Familiarise yourself with the format by taking sample tests and reviewing the exam guide thoroughly.

Thank you




Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Pierre Flovie] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

G'day crew, hope you are having a great week thus far.


Let's get started! Make sure to subscribe to the top of this thread if you haven't done so already to receive updates as we move forward.

With that in mind, let's discuss our first module in the Exam Prep Guide: 

Section 1: Project Leadership (16%)

  • Given a case study, identify the right stakeholders
  • Evaluate a set of requirements and recommend project boundaries, budget, resources, and scope
  • Given a modified process, determine who needs enablement and efficient enablement rollout plan
  • Evaluate an audit and recommend priorities and timeline

With a focus on API, CRM SFDC Sync and Admin roles. Let's have a bit of fun:

Question 1:

When verifying the completion of a REST API Webhook, two URLs can be utilised for an initial validation to ensure leads are processed correctly. Which two combinations of URL and their respective parameters should be employed to validate the REST API? (Choose 2)


a: Endpoint URL with Access Token and Your Email Address

b: Identity URL with Client Score and Client ID

c: Endpoint URL with Client ID, Your Email Address, and Client Secret

d: Identity URL with Client ID and Client Secret


Question 2:

A company has the native Adobe Marketo Engage sync with Microsoft Dynamics in place. The business consistently exceeds its database limits. It needs to control database growth and remove specific records from Marketo Engage. Which two actions should the Marketing Operations team recommend to address this issue? (Choose two.)


a: Delete any Leads or Contacts from Marketo Engage in the sync with no email address or invalid email address

b: Work with the Dynamics CRM admin to hide certain records that should not be in the sync using the Dynamics "inactive" functionality

c: Design an inactive monitoring process using scoring and have them removed from the sync by Dynamics using the Custom Sync Filter functionality

d: Block unwanted Leads and Contacts from the sync based on a set criteria using the Custom Sync Filter functionality

e: Block inactive Leads and Contacts from the sync using the Custom Sync Filter functionality




Level 3

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Pierre Flovie] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Question 1:

When verifying the completion of a REST API Webhook, two URLs can be utilised for an initial validation to ensure leads are processed correctly. Which two combinations of URL and their respective parameters should be employed to validate the REST API? (Choose 2)


a: Endpoint URL with Access Token and Your Email Address

b: Identity URL with Client Score and Client ID

c: Endpoint URL with Client ID, Your Email Address, and Client Secret

d: Identity URL with Client ID and Client Secret


I think A and D are correct for question 1 - D to pass through client ID and secret and get the acess token, and A to then use the access token to get data for your lead record to test the connection is successful and returning data.


Question 2:

A company has the native Adobe Marketo Engage sync with Microsoft Dynamics in place. The business consistently exceeds its database limits. It needs to control database growth and remove specific records from Marketo Engage. Which two actions should the Marketing Operations team recommend to address this issue? (Choose two.)


a: Delete any Leads or Contacts from Marketo Engage in the sync with no email address or invalid email address

b: Work with the Dynamics CRM admin to hide certain records that should not be in the sync using the Dynamics "inactive" functionality

c: Design an inactive monitoring process using scoring and have them removed from the sync by Dynamics using the Custom Sync Filter functionality

d: Block unwanted Leads and Contacts from the sync based on a set criteria using the Custom Sync Filter functionality

e: Block inactive Leads and Contacts from the sync using the Custom Sync Filter functionality


I think D is a possible solution because to me it makes sense to first determine which leads/contacts which would not be desirable to sync to/from the CRM (eg. no email address, obvious invalid email address, unsubscribed/not marketable, etc) which could also contain inactive leads.

Maaaybe A? I'm inclined to think some clean up would be a good place to start before implementing any filtering on the sync so that the records aren't just re-populated again from Dynamics once they're deleted in Marketo. 

Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Pierre Flovie] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Thank you Kat for your submission. Great to see you are diving right into it. Before I validate your answers I will leave the questions open then give you my feedback so other aspirants can take the test too 🙂

Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Pierre Flovie] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Hello @pfloydy11 , I agree with @ktronolone  on Question 1 and for Question 2, though I feel option A is correct, Somewhere I feel Option B, "Work with the DCRM admin to hide certain records that should not be in the sync using '-' the dynamics "inactive functionality" is also correct along with Option D. 


What's your take on this?

Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Pierre Flovie] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Hi team,

Thank you for submitting your answers and you are both right. To approach these type of questions (multiple options) best to always start by eliminating the obvious ones. Then apply your analysis as per your replies. This is good.

Let's move on to the next session now.

Thank you

@ktronolone @MNAccenture 

Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Pierre Flovie] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Hi guys, 

  1. @Tanina_Khanuja 
  2. @Recho 
  3. @ktronolone 
  4. @Milly_Tsui 
  5. @aditya_Sharma 
  6. @Parul_Goyal1 

Seems like there is a little glitch with my access. While this is sorted please accept my apologies and I will let you know as soon as I am available to provide you information about the next topic.


Thank you for your understanding.

