If you need 3 digits in the field, you can use field masking in the Form Setup, but it won't force it. You need javascript to enforce rules for this. Find a web developer.
HI Josh
Thank you for your help.
Other expert answered this question,but it didn't enough.
I don't need to have 3 digits,
The probrem is that the phone field would be sent with the phone number which is incorrect,
even if the field is input required.
I found the code below and need to change the green colored part to put it in our embed code.
Would you help me?
form.vals({ "Phone":"555-555-1234", "Country":"USA"});
1. The minimum number is 10 and no hyphen. How do you code?
2. "Phone" should be same as the field name of the form, right?
3. Is "Country" necessary? If so,what it would be like? For example,"japan" didn't work. "ja" ? "JAPAN" ?
See Forms 2.0 » Marketo Developers example 3 and 7
I think your code
form.vals({ "Phone":"555-555-1234", "Country":"USA"});
is not validation code.
i think Example 9 is your solution.
Hi Takahashi San
<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
document.getElementById("phone")[0].setAttribute("pattern", ".{10,}");
Hey Courtney,
This should in the form's onReady, not in the body onload, otherwise you have a race condition (the form elements can't be expected to exist onload).
そうですねーupdated accordingly.
Unless there's something I'm missing in the Japanese it still has to be in MktoForms2.whenReady.
DOMContentLoaded is guaranteed to miss the element.
Or is this not a Marketo form?
Is there a way to call the form once it's fully loaded without specifying the actual form via the Forms 2.0 JS API, though? I'm trying to come up with a neutral solution, and usually when deploying something neutral I've got something to go with in terms of an action beyond page fully loaded, a la:
var parentForm = document.querySelector("[id^=mktoForm_]");
parentForm.addEventListener("action", someFunction, false);