Marketo Engagement Map: A Visual Tool for Building and Managing Marketing Campaigns

Level 10 - Community Advisor Level 10 - Community Advisor
Level 10 - Community Advisor

We are well aware of the intricate challenges that come with crafting and managing successful marketing campaigns. Adobe Marketo Engage has always been a step ahead when it comes to solving the challenges of its customers with innovative tools and features. And now they are gearing up to unveil its latest game-changer: the Marketo Engagement Map! The tool is set to be released on August 1st, 2023. 


The Marketo Engagement Map is a powerful and intuitive visual tool that allows you to streamline the Smart Campaign process and take control of your customer engagement journey like never before. 


Beyond its user-friendly interface, the Engagement Map enables you to amp your campaign management efforts. 


A Deep Dive into Marketo Engagement Map


Whether you're a seasoned Marketo veteran or a newcomer to the platform, this tool promises to transform the way you craft and manage your marketing campaigns. From planning how leads will flow through your campaign, streamlining reusable campaign creation, to providing visibility of your marketing activities, you’ve got an ally every step of the way. 


Here’s a detailed breakdown of how this tool can help you.

  • Visualize Campaigns: Engagement Map provides a simplified and visual representation of marketing campaigns, which can help you see how different campaign elements fit together and how they will impact the overall customer journey. This’ll help you to quickly identify potential bottlenecks and ensure better CX.
  • Build Reusable Campaigns: With the Engagement Map, you'll find it effortless to build campaigns that are easily modifiable and adaptable for diverse audiences. Save time and resources while ensuring your campaigns align perfectly with your company's branding and marketing guidelines.
  • Validate Interconnected Campaigns: Utilizing the Engagement Map, you can validate your interconnected campaigns seamlessly, guaranteeing they function as intended. By doing so, you'll prevent errors and achieve the desired results from your campaigns, ensuring success in your marketing endeavors.
  • Increase Operational Efficiency: With Engagement Map, you can significantly enhance operational efficiency by having a centralized repository for all your marketing campaigns. Streamline management and tracking processes, making it a breeze to keep tabs on your campaigns. Moreover, this platform empowers you to swiftly troubleshoot any issues that may arise, ensuring smooth operations and better productivity. 
  • Boost Productivity: With Engagement Map at your disposal, you'll experience time and resource savings, be it effortlessly creating, managing, and tracking marketing campaigns. This frees you up to concentrate on vital endeavors, like crafting innovative marketing strategies and captivating content creation. 
  • Improve Campaign Performance: Engagement Map enables you to enhance collaboration among essential stakeholders by utilizing user-friendly visuals that offer valuable insights into intricate campaigns. This will foster better alignment and informed decision-making throughout the process. Additionally, you can improve the performance of your marketing campaigns with insights into how different elements of a campaign are performing. This can be used to optimize campaigns and improve their effectiveness. 

Wrapping Up


Marketo Engagement Map true value lies in its ability to create reusable and interconnected campaigns, streamline your processes, and foster operational efficiency. Can't wait to dive in and unlock its full potential! I can already imagine the endless possibilities and the significant impact it’ll have on the visualization, management, and performance of your marketing campaigns. 


And I’d love to hear your insights, expertise, and thoughts on how we can maximize the potential of the Engagement Map. So, let’s get the conversation started. 


Level 1

I was part of the beta group for this feature and I'm very excited about this new tool! As a consultant, one of my favorite benefits of this feature is the ability to share an easy-to-digest visual with client stakeholders who may not be in Marketo every day. I also love that you can easily see where any errors may be at a quick glance in order to troubleshoot. 

Level 3

Hi @Vinay_Kumar , 
I see an error message in Engagement Canvas that is incorrect, or very misleading. My example flow step: 

Request Campaign
Choice 1: If Lifecycle is Known, Requested Campaign: Do nothing
Choice 2: If Lifecycle is MEL, Requested Campaign: Do nothing
Choice 3: If Lifecycle is MQL, Requested Campaign: OP-Lifecycle.Process MQL
Default Choice: Requested Campaign: Do Nothing

The first two Choice steps receive an error of "Choice without primary attribute value will be skipped." This is NOT correct because people qualify as expected for the Choice, and then no campaign is requested, as intended. The Choice is NOT skipped. 
I wanted to provide this feedback to help improve the messaging and interface. Thanks!

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Hi @ShannonKelly1, Thanks for sharing the feedback. I'll share the same with the product team. 

Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Not long until go live date - will be interesting to see how existing flows are visualised the Canvas.

Level 10 - Community Advisor

When will I get access?
The Engagement Map will be available to all customers on August 3rd.

How much does it cost?
Engagement Map is included for Marketo Engage Select, Prime, and Ultimate package customers at no additional cost.


Where can I get more information?
Documentation links:

Feel free to email with any questions, concerns, or feedback.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Am I missing something?  All I see is "Engagement Map" - which is a visual of the smart list and flow.  There's no way to build anything with it - or build reusable campaigns.  If I need to make changes, I still need to go back to the traditional smart list/flow to do so.  

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Correct, Engagement Map is a visual of the campaign's smart list and flow. If you want to make changes the edit options will redirect you you will be navigated to the respective interface in a new tab where you can add or edit your filters/triggers/flow steps. However, if you want to activate/deactivate/schedule a campaign then you can do it from the Engagement Map itself and you can also edit qualification rules from here as well. 





Level 10

Okay, Engagement Map seems to be the appropriate term for this. A canvas is a thing that implies painting and creating which - so far - is not possible. So I wonder: Are we only looking at version 1 of this Smart Campaign visualization and will be seeing the real thing where we can drag and drop flow steps and decisions onto a canvas at some point? Like in Eloqua? 😉

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Yes, AFAIK the Adobe team is planning to roll an update ASAP so users can edit the campaigns via the Engagement Map itself and don't have to go to the classic UX. As of now Edit Triggers and Edit Flow options seem to navigate users to the classic UX.

Level 10 - Community Advisor

@Darshil_Shah1 Thank you for your response here.