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Issue Leads are stuck in a smart campaign's Wait Step and have not moved onto next steps, even though the Wait Step has been updated/shortened and the lead should move onto the next step. Solution When a lead enters a Wait Step, it remains in the Wait Step as defined at the moment they entered it. For example, if the lead enters a 1 week Wait Step, it will remain in the step for 1 week. If the Wait Step is updated to be longer or shorter (for example, shortened to 3 days or extended to 2 weeks), the lead that already entered the Wait Step (when it was 1 week) will remain in the Wait Step for the original duration. New leads entering the Wait Step will abide by the new duration.
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Issue Change Lead Owner reason shows "Synched from - fixup Lead Owner." Solution The "synched from fixup lead owner" activity means the lead owner was switched within SFDC, often times through auto-assignment rules. The phrase "fixup Lead Owner" is what Marketo records when it is taking the Owner ID being passed from Salesforce and translating it into the Lead Owner values (First Name, Last Name, Email Address, etc) to populate into Marketo.
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Issue Field values updated in Marketo do not sync to SFDC when the record exists as a Contact.  Environment Marketo - CRM Native contact Sync Solution The issue is caused by the interaction of the Block Field Updates with the conflict resolution rules for Contacts described here.  The Block Field Updates will prevent Marketo from writing values from Salesforce into Marketo, but it does not prevent the sync from attempting to sync those values. If a field has Block Field Updates enabled to prevent updates from SFDC and that fields gets updated in both Marketo and Salesforce at the same time, Marketo will attempt to use our conflict resolutions rules to allow the update from SFDC to override the Marketo updated.  The Block Field Update prevents this from occurring which leaves the records stuck unable to update the value in either system. To resolve the issue for the specific records, the Block Field Updates setting must be removed for the specific values to allow the values from Salesforce to sync down. Then the feature can be re-enabled. To prevent recurrences of the issue in the future, Users and processes in Salesforce must be prevented from editing those values to prevent a conflict from occurring. 
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Issue You receive an error in ToutApp - "IMAP access is disabled for your domain. Please contact your domain administrator for questions about this feature. (Failure)" Solution This due to an invalid Gmail connection For this error message to be resolved, we recommend looping in with your Gmail Administrator regarding the IMAP access of your domain and whether or not it can be enabled. See the link below for additional reference on this for your Gmail Administrator:    
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Issue Tokens in form-triggered emails are not populating values when a new lead comes in through form fill out.     Solution For the token to populate, the associated Marketo field shouldn't be empty and it must hold a value that will be passed to the token. It takes a small amount of time for the form to write the value to the lead record and it my not write all the info before the triggered email is sent. In case of new leads, using a wait step as the first flow step (before send email flow step) will be helpful. This will leave some time for the fields get their value filled from the form fillout. Once the fields have the value, the associated token will populate correctly during the email send.  
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Issue Sometimes there can be a circumstance where a text token should hold null value. Since the token must contain a value, you need to insert a value that will display as empty when the token is rendered.     Solution Adding a HTML comment to the on the Text {{my.token}} side would work.   <!-- -->  If you're just plopping the token into your HTML, this will be fine. If you're embedding it in Javascript then you can still check for that specific value, it just won't be "magic":   if ( "{{my.token}}" != "<!-- -->" ) {    // it's not empty  }       
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New Features: Audit Trail - An enterprise-class feature that gives organizations full visibility into user activity. Chronological activity log viewable at each level of the hierarchy (from the home tab hierarchy to the detailed line item level). Search, filter, sort, and export detailed audit data. 90-day historical view (with the ability to request data past this period). Access via the >> arrows at any level of the Home or Budget tab hierarchy. Available to Owners and Admins only.   Advanced Searchable Drop-downs - Making our product easier to use for end users.  No more scrolling through large lists! Just type to filter the list to your desired value and hit enter. Enhancements:   Improved Import Budget Feedback for Multi-Select Fields - error messages now include the:  Exact row and column where the data needs to be adjusted. Exact issue with the data.    ***For budget imports with multi-select fields only.   HTML User interface Update -  The Details, Roll-up and Budget Panels as well as Import Schedules have been transitioned to HTML5. The new HTML panels include the following usability enhancements: Navigation -  The ability to tab through fields and select values using your keyboard. Saving -  Faster and less intrusive saving (with a saving.../saved notification giving you immediate feedback). Layout - See everything in view-only mode first for a cleaner interface. Identify what cells are editable with a pencil icon on hover and a single click to edit.
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Issue My SFDC production instance is undergoing Instance Refresh Maintenance in SFDC. Will this impact the SFDC and Marketo sync? Salesforce Article: Help And Training Community Solution Provided the org ID of your SFDC environment stays the same, it will remain connected to your Marketo instance. As best practice, double check with your SFDC team that all of your SFDC records will retain their unique IDs after the refresh. After the refresh occurs, double check that the Marketo connection in Marketo (under Admin > Salesforce) is intact.  
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Issue My token is not displayed correctly in view as webpage version of email. Environment If customers manually type a {{my.token}} and use uppercase M such as {{My.token}}, then the view as webpage version of email may not render that token as expected. The feature to HTML encode lead tokens (source of external data) for security reasons, applies to my tokens that incorrectly use uppercase M. HTML Encode Tokens Solution Use the token picker to pick the correct lowercase {{my.token}}.
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Issue Email won't be approved due to too many custom tokens Solution Sometimes when approving an email with a large number of of tokens, the following error message will appear: 'The number of custom tokens in the email exceeds the limit '   This is a article attached image   This means that you have too many custom tokens in the email and that if you wish to approve the email, you will need to remove one or more of your custom tokens in the email.    Its important to note that this only applies to custom tokens, which are tokens based on a custom field in Marketo.  This means that while you will be allowed to add more of the standard tokens to the email and approve it, you will not be allowed to go beyond the 40 custom token limit we have in place for the non-standard tokens. Here you will find all the standard tokens in Marketo
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Summary If you're using the Bulk Custom Object Import API to push records to a Marketo custom object (and you're importing separate files that have duplicates across the files) -- the records will not be deduped on the custom object if multiple imports are pushed at the same time. Issue If you are using a Bulk Custom Object Import API third party service to push records to a custom object (and multiple files, containing duplicates across those files are being imported to the Marketo custom object in a similar time window) -- the records will not be deduped on the custom object, even if the dedupe field value is matched. This is because two concurrent imports can be processed at the same time if they are pushed close together. More information can be found here. "A maximum of 2 jobs are processed at the same time.  A maximum of 10 jobs are allowed in the queue at any given time (including the 2 currently being processed)." Solution In this scenario, the third-party App/API service provider that is making the bulk import calls must be consulted to ensure that separate files containing duplicate records aren't being imported to a Custom Object at the same time (or close together times). Once the calls are spaced out adequately so there aren't concurrent imports running containing duplicate records in separate import files, the custom object will dedupe as expected based on the designated dedupe fields. More on dedupe fields can be found here: "Dedupe fields can be used to retrieve, update, or delete custom objects. Every custom object definition must contain at least one (and no more than three) dedupe fields." In Summary, while Marketo does deduplicate on custom object records at import based on the dedupe field(s), it cannot dedupe when concurrent imports are being processed at the same time with duplicates in the separate files (for example: file 1 has dupe A while file 2 has dupe B).  If all the duplicates are in the same file, however, Marketo can dedupe within that file as its imported to the custom object.    Root Cause Concurrent Custom Object imports running at the same time: when this occurs, the two files being imported concurrently don't have time to check against each other to dedupe based on the configured dedupe field.
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Issue You receive the following error: "Ouch! 500 Error Something went wrong. We monitor this sort of thing, but if you are an authorized support contact, you should create a support ticket."       Solution This can happen because of temporary network issues. Try out the following troubleshooting steps. 1. Clear Browser Cache 2. Try a different browser 3. Try a different device 4. Try a different internet connect (Hotspot/Tether from mobile) If you still have any issue after trying all these steps, please contact Marketo Support for further assistance.
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Issue What happens when you enable "Send all Tout emails in my team through this server connection" within the SMTP Server settings on Solution When you select "Send all Tout emails in my team through this server connection" within the Tout admin panel, this will provide the option to all standard users to either choose to use the ToutApp Email Servers or your company's own Email servers. If you decide to share the SMTP Settings with the team, t is recommended that you have your IT team setup a dedicated STMP/Email account to use as the Custom SMTP Credentials. Note: Each user can choose to either use the Tout servers or the configured & shared SMTP server. It is not applied automatically to all users.
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Issue You would like to have a new lead created in SFDC after every form submission regardless of whether the contact/lead already exists. Solution When you use the "sync lead", assign the person to lead queue explicitly, that will create a new lead since contacts cannot be assigned to queues. However, this is going to create a lot of duplicates in your database unless your salespeople are converting/merging these leads correctly. Furthermore, these new leads will have no campaign history, no interesting moments, no score. It's better to use an "Inbound sales rep campaign" in SFDC and attach the person to it using an "add to SFDC campaign" flow step. Campaigns can contain leads and contacts and can have workflows assigned to them.      
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Issue How to use a script token to calculate and populate the number of years since a given date.   Solution This can be achieved by using a velocity (email script) token:   #set( $defaultTimeZone = $date.getTimeZone().getTimeZone("America/New_York") )  #set( $defaultLocale = $date.getLocale() )  #set( $calNow = $date.getCalendar() )  #set( $ret = $calNow.setTimeZone($defaultTimeZone) )  #set( $calConst = $$calNow) )  #set( $ISO8601 = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" )  #set( $ISO8601DateOnly = "yyyy-MM-dd" )  #set( $calJoinDate = $convert.toCalendar(  $convert.parseDate(      $lead.JoinDate,       $ISO8601DateOnly,       $defaultLocale,       $defaultTimeZone     )  ) )  #set( $differenceInYears = $date.difference($calJoinDate,$calNow ).getYears() )  #set( $friendlyLabel = $display.plural($convert.toInteger($differenceInYears),"year") )  You joined us ${differenceInYears} ${friendlyLabel} ago!  Where $lead.JoinDate is the joining date. More at    
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Issue "Currency" type fields are rounding off their value. For example, if you enter the value as 8092384905, Marketo is automatically rounding it to 809239000.     Solution This is an expected behavior. TThe currency field type in MySQL is considered to be a Float field and MySQL will automatically round the values in our current database structure. As a work around for this, change the field type to "string" . Since standard fields type cannot be changed, we suggest that you create a new custom field of type "String" to use instead of the standard field..        
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Issue Description How to edit the schedule email in ToutApp.   Issue Resolution The way to change the time of a scheduled email: Go into your on the conversations page. Click the Edit button next to the scheduled email. From here you will be able to change the time of the delivery of the email.  Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description You sent an email using a Smart Campaign and the email performance report for the email shows more Sent than there are members in the Smart Campaign Issue Resolution The email may have been sent by more than one campaign.  You can determine this by looking at the "Used By" info on the email's summary page, to see which campaigns sent the email.  In this case, you can use the Campaign Email Performance Report to view the email's performance within the specific campaign.
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Issue Description Leads would be qualifying for a Smart List filter that was set up to only qualify those leads that had a date "on or before mm/dd/yy", leads that have null would also qualify for this filter when they should not.   Issue Resolution When the field is left as null, by default Null value is treated as epoch timestamp (i.e, jan 1 1970). In this case it is recommended to change the filter date from "on or before" to "between" in order to exclude those leads that have null in the date field. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description Getting error "Salesforce 551 unauthorized bounce" in ToutApp   Issue Resolution - Head on over to your Salesforce instance and login.  - Once you're logged in, head over to "Setup" > "Email" > "My Email to Salesforce"      - In the "My Email to Salesforce" page, head over to the "My Acceptable Email Addresses" section and ensure the all the addresses you use are listed in here:     - Just below "My Acceptable Email Addresses" you can set your email logging settings to how you would like them to enter your SFDC.    - Save your settings.           Who This Solution Applies To ToutApp customers Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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