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Issue How do Revenue Cycle Explorer filters operate? Solution RCE Filters operate in the following ways: Select from a List (Includes, Excludes) -- This filter type within RCE will let you include or exclude preset values Match a specific string (Contains, Does not Contain) -- This filter type will let you enter a free form value such as Contains "We" to find statuses which may have Web in them. The not-contains would filter anyone who did not have "We" in the status. On either filter you can select Multiple Values. Within the Match a Specific String function click on [+] and add another value option and this will then add additional string areas to use. A example would be Status contains: Reg Regis Registered Registered - Web etc.. As you can see you can match to one of many values!  
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Issue When sending an email from Sales Insight it looks as though it has been sent as expected, but the person to whom the email was addressed never received the message, nor can it be found via the Was Sent Sales Email filter in a Smart Campaign.     Solution Sales Insight for SFDC will not send to people who have a status of Email Invalid, Marketing Suspended or are Unsubscribed. Please validate that the person you are trying to send to does not have these statuses. As well, Sales Insight emails can be sent to groups up to 200 people.  Any more and your send will not process. If the person's statuses are as expected and the group was less than 200 people, please contact Marketo Support to troubleshoot further. Note: The Sales Insight plugins for Outlook and Gmail will send emails to leads regardless of Unsubscribed, Email Invalid, or Marketing Suspended status.  
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Issue What type of formats are accepted for uploading data to Facebook custom audiences from Marketo?   Solution Note: The phone numbers must always have the country code included even if they are in the same country as your business.. The endpoint for facebook allows the following formats: 1-234-567-8910 12345678910 +44 123 456 7890 With or without punctuation is allowed.          
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Issue You receive a Marketo email and an email address in the text is blue and underlined, which does not match your desired styling for the email. Solution When an email address is simply included in the email text, the email client's default behavior may automatically convert it to a link with blue text and an underline. In order to override this default email client behavior, use the following HTML: <a href="mailto:[email address]" style="[custom styling]">[email address]</a> When the email address link is inside the anchor tag <a>, the email client will not override this custom styling that you wish to use.   This can be used for tokens as well: <a href="mailto:{{lead.Email Address}}" style="[custom styling]">{{lead.Email Address}}</a>    
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Issue Admin > Sales Insight > Licensed Seats displays the number of seats used in the last 30 days.  How is this calculated?     Solution The number of seats used is calculated by the number of unique SFDC users that have loaded either the Sales Insight panel on a Lead/Contact/Account/Opportunity page layout or accessed the Marketo tab in the past 30 days.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers with Sales Insight for Salesforce    
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Issue You want to create a field that will grab the web page the form was filled out on and add this as a token in an alert that goes to sales when a form is filled out. Solution This can be achieved either through a Smart Campaign or the JS API code. The code is more efficient because it doesn't mean another trigger is active in your instance. Smart campaign: You'll want to create a smart campaign with Smart List - Fills Out Form and Flow - Change Data Value, [your field name], New Attribute is {{trigger.Web Page}} You would need to reference the trigger token in the alert email so the team knows what product page the end user filled out the form on.   Code: (Embedded Form) This can be done with a hidden field.   MktoForms2.loadForm("//app-**", "***-***-***", 148,     function(form)     {         form.addHiddenFields({ LastFormURL : document.location.href })        }); The asterisks represent your company's Marketo data (your Munchkin ID and Marketo instance). Your developer will know what to do if s/he is already using the embed code.   Code: (Marketo LP) In a Marketo LP, you will have to edit the template and put this at the end, before the </body> tag :   <script> MktoForms2.whenReady(function (form) {     form.addHiddenFields({ LastFormURL : document.location.href }); }); </script>
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Issue Is the System.DateTime token populated based on the timezone of the instance? Solution System.DateTime token is based on your account timezone settings.
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Issue You come across a few leads who failed to sync to SFDC and would like to have the list of leads who faced the same issue.   Solution Unfortunately Marketo doesn't have a specific type of filter to leads who failed to sync to SFDC. However if they are new leads who haven’t synced to SFDC, then you can filter them by using the filters "Person was created" and "SFDC Type" with condition "is empty". If you want to find the list of leads (previously synced to SFDC) who failed to sync among a particular group of leads, you can filter by following the below steps. 1. Create a new Boolean type field in SFDC namely "Sync Error?" and with the default value as "true". 2. Wait for the field to sync into Marketo. 3. Create a Smart Campaign to select those group of records and the flow steps to change the value of the Boolean field "Sync Error?" to ”False" and then "Sync person to SFDC". 4. Once the campaign has finished running, you will be to pull a report on SFDC on the list of leads who have the value "True" for the field "Sync Error?". It means that the value was not updated to SFDC as the record failed to sync. With this list you will be able to select the records and resolve the sync issue. You can also create a smart list of leads who were never able to sync with the following filters: Lead was synced to SFDC : Assign to : is not empty SFDC Type: is Empty      
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Issue You may notice that there may be a block in SFDC that stops syncing unsubscribes from Marketo to SFDC. After fixing the block in SFDC the new unsubscribes will sync as expected.  Here is how to get all the unsubscribes that happened before this fix to sync into SFDC. Solution You would need to set up a campaign to reset the field value. Smart list: Unsubscribed = true Flow: Change data value  "unsubscribed" -> False Change data value  "unsubscribed" -> True   That would take everyone who is currently unsubscribed, switch to false and then back to true. That should cause the true value to sync up to SFDC for all of those records. However, make sure you do this at a time when you are absolutely positive there are no email campaigns going out.      
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Issue What happens if you log off (close) Marketo when importing a large amount of data through list import? Will it be processed or resume when you log back in? Solution It will keep running if you log off.  Next time when you have a large list to import, we would recommend sending a notification to yourself.  There is a little box you can put your email address in right when you start the import, it will email you when the import is done.        
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Issue Issue Description Is there a way for a user to see or pull which users used data towards their daily Bulk API usage? Solution Issue Resolution The API will allow you to see if the user you are connected with has used data, but it won't give you visibility into other API users' usage.  There is currently no report in the UI that shows usage across users.
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Issue Description Munchkin activities recording stopped and web page activities were not logged. Since the activities were not immediately registered, any Trigger Campaigns set to initiate when those activities occurred would not have been triggered. Issue Resolution  Initial Steps: As soon as you identify an issue with Munchkin Activities recording, contact Marketo Support to ensure that proper steps are taken to prevent any data loss. Once the activity data is back-filled, identify all the Smart Campaigns that were impacted and need to be replayed. If you need assistance to identify which smart campaigns were active during this incident, our Campaign inspector is a great tool to assist you.   Replay Impacted Smart Campaign: After you have identified the smart campaigns that were impacted, create a new smart campaign using the following smart list filters;   For Smart Campaigns triggered by clicking a link on a web page, use the following filters. Select the applicable link and timeframe based off what datacenter your instance is located in. The second filter is to prevent activities that were not impacted from replaying.   For Smart Campaigns triggered by a web page visit, use the following filters. Select the applicable web page and timeframe based off what datacenter your instance is located in. The second filter is to prevent activities that were not impacted from replaying.   After the Smart List is set up, the flow steps should mirror the flow steps of the original Smart Campaign that you wish to replay.   If you experience any issues with replaying the impacted smart campaigns, please contact Marketo support at, or through any of the methods listed here.
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Issue Issue Description The results of the Champion/Challenger test that arrive in an email notification display an unexpected number in the chart for the metric the test is based on.     Solution Issue Resolution The numbers in the chart are percentages. The numbers between the test variants will total to 100(%).
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Issue Description When we delete the static lists from a program after a period of time, will the leads they contain no longer be member of the program?   Issue Resolution The individuals should still be a member unless you change their membership status to remove them. Remember lists are simply collections of individuals so you can easily process or associate them, they don't automatically get "membership" unless you had corresponding flow steps that you used when putting them on the list.     Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description Customers based in our Sydney datacenter experienced a service issue which caused an intermittent disruption in email sends beginning 10:30 AM AEST local time on November 12, 2018. This issue was resolved at 1:00 pm AEST and all emails are now sending normally. No customers outside of the Sydney datacenter were impacted. During the impacted time frame, some email sends were lost and will not be delivered. The issue occurred intermittently during the affected time, so some emails were sent successfully, while others were not. This documentation provides details on how to identify the impacted lead records. Identifying Affected Leads Symptoms All lead records that were sent emails during the impacted time will show an "Email Sent" activity (as per normal behavior) Leads that were not impacted and successfully had emails sent will show the corresponding "Email Delivered" or "Email Bounced" activities (as per normal behavior) However, the impacted leads that emails did not send to will NOT have any "Email Delivered" or "Email Bounced" activity. They will show the "Email Sent" activity, but there will not be any corresponding activity to indicate what the result was - Delivered or Bounced. The emails that failed to send will not be retried. Leads impacted by this service issue will not receive the email unless customers choose to re-send it through another Campaign or Email Program send. Using Smart Lists to Identify Leads To identify affected leads create the following Smart List: Filter logic: ALL filters Flow Step #1: Was Sent Email Email is any Date of Activity is ‘2018-11-12’ Flow Step #2: Not Was Delivered Email Email is any Date of Activity is ‘2018-11-12’ Flow Step #3: Not Email Bounced Email is any Date of Activity is ‘2018-11-12’ Flow Step #4: Not Email Bounced Soft Email is any Date of Activity is ‘2018-11-12’ Once complete, your Smart List will look like this: The lead records returned by this Smart List will be the impacted records that did not have emails sent during the affected time frame. *NOTE: In a limited number of circumstances, there is a possibility that a very small number of leads did not have the "Email Sent" activity logged. This will be an uncommon occurrence, if it happens at all. Who This Solution Applies To Customers in the Sydney Datacenter. No customers whose Marketo instances are located in other datacenters are impacted in any way. Where to get additional help If you would like any additional help please contact Marketo Support.
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Issue Description How to create a Smart List that only shows leads created in Marketo. Issue Resolution Create a Smart List using the filter "Original Source Type - is not -" Who This Solution Applies To Customer's integrated with Salesforce
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Issue Description How to identify in which campaign the "Delete Person" flow step is used   Issue Resolution You can identify it by going to "Campaign Inspector" in Marketing Activities.   From there you can filter down by type of Smart Campaign and search "Delete Person" and the resulting list will be Smart Campaigns containing that flow step.   If you do not see the Campaign Inspector, navigate to Admin > Treasure Chest to activate it.     Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Yes. For leads, contacts, and accounts, you can choose which fields from Microsoft Dynamics CRM you’d like to sync down to Marketo.
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Issue Description Your phone calls are not logging to Salesforce   Issue Resolution Tout Phone is a great way to get your call information logged to Salesforce, but there are a couple things you will want to be aware of when using the log a call feature. 1. The Contact must have a Salesforce ID attached to them. 2. We currently do not log calls to Opportunities.           Who This Solution Applies To ToutApp customers Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description You receive "Object reference exception error" in Outlook Issue Resolution The reason this error is occurring is because the ToutApp Outlook add-in depends on a reference object in a newer version of the .NET framework than the version of .NET currently installed on your machine. To resolve this, download the updated version ( of the .NET framework from Microsoft's site, and install it on your machine. Once it's installed, please reboot the computer.  After you've successfully installed and rebooted, go ahead and open Outlook. You should see it start up without issue, and the ToutApp add-in should be present and fully functional. Who This Solution Applies To Customers with ToutApp
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