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Issue Issue Description Revenue Explorer (RCE) reports show different stages when comparing Model Performance Analysis and Program Revenue Stage Analysis. Detour stages such as Disqualified, Inactive, Recycled, and Lost do not display as metrics in Revenue Stage Analysis reports.     Solution Issue Resolution The Program Revenue Stage Analysis in RCE will not show non-success path Revenue Stages, so detours do not display on the Success Path as viewable metrics. Model Performance Analysis will show non-success path Revenue Stages. For more information on Success Paths, see this related document   Who This Solution Applies To clients with Revenue Cycle Explorer and who have an approved Revenue Cycle Model
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Issue Description After sending a group email or campaign with a list of contacts, some contacts are being removed after the emails are marked as spam.  Issue Resolution One of the greatest benefits of ToutApp is to utilize the group email function and dynamically change fields for specific contacts. Of course, that does not work out if there aren't any people in your group. Here are a few items you would like to check: Are you using a custom SMTP server? If so, then check with your IT team to have them investigate if these emails are being bounced. Sometimes custom servers will only send the action to perform to ToutApp.   Are you using a custom header? Custom headers are used to send emails that have your reply to or from list your company domain rather than via ToutApp. There are some instances that if you are not using a custom header, then emails will be marked as spam.   Are you up-to-date? It is always best to make sure that your Outlook plugin and/or Chrome extension are updated   Still no working? This is an opportunity to test. Try switching your Email Delivery Channel, send an email without a template, or reset your connections.     Who This Solution Applies To ToutApp Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description Added yourself to the Send Alert To portion of the List Import process and continue to receive unwanted Alert Emails every time a list is imported. Issue Resolution During the next List Import process to the problem Static List in Marketo, you'll want to select the Edit Send Notification from the window that pops up in the top right section of your screen after the import process is started. Selecting the Edit Send Notification will cause a new window to open up that shows all of the email addresses who will be sent an Alert Email once the import completes. If you no longer want to receive the Alert Emails for this static list going forward, deleted your email address and click save. Who This Solution Applies To Everyone
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Issue When making changes to an email with the 'Edit Code' option, these changes aren't shown in the Audit Trail like other changes made to an email draft. Solution This is an expected behavior of the Audit Trail. Only edits made with the Design Studio interface will be displayed on the Audit Trail.  
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Issue Description Naming conventions of email in email performance report Issue Resolution Email reports will use an email's full label including the program it exists in. Although asset names cannot duplicate within Programs, they can be duplicated within the whole Instance and Email Performance Reports have access to emails from an entire instance. For example if you had two newsletter programs, both with an email named "October Newsletter" the full program name can help differentiate between the two. NL-2018-10-Technology Program.October Newsletter NL-2018-10-Industry Program.October Newsletter The email report will always display with the full email name including the program it was created in to avoid this confusion. Even within a specific Program Report, you can access all emails within the Instance.
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Issue Description Example: Person A was sent an email from Marketo, clicked on a tracked link in an Email to a tracked web page, but the web page activity was recorded on Person B Issue Resolution This can happen if Person A and Person B are sharing a computer.  Prior to Person A clicking on the track link in the email to redirect to the tracked web page, Person B was already 'cookied' as a known lead on the same computer and web browser. In Marketo, once a lead becomes known, cookied and tracked on a web browser, any tracked web activities on that browser will be associated to the first cookied lead until the cookie is expired or deleted. Note: to confirm that Person A and Person B are using the same computer and web browser, you can check the details of the most recent web activities and compare if their User Agent and Client IP address is the same.
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Issue Running a Revenue Cycle Explorer report on Opportunities shows programs from long ago are being credited for those Opportunities through Multi-Touch (MT) Attribution measures. Solution When using Multi-Touch measures, past programs will also be credited if a contact on the Opportunity achieved success in the program. A possible workaround could be to utilize Filters in the RCE report to try to narrow the results.      
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Issue Description Can a Default program in a nurture stream be changed to the Nurture Channel for reporting purposes? Issue Resolution Program Channels can only be applied to one type of Program. Nurture Channel will only be usable on a Engagement type program. You can however have multiple channels avaliable for a specific type of program! So you can have one program type with multiple channel options, but you cannot have one channel used for multiple program types.
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Issue User cannot add a Field Organizer when the user does not have access to all workspaces.     Solution Unless the user has access to all workspaces, they cannot create a field organizer because field organizers are available in all workspaces. However, the user still can access and even delete the field organizers that are created by others.   Who This Solution Applies To Instances with workspaces    
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No, once you sync Marketo to any CRM you cannot change it to a different CRM. Please contact Marketo Services for options here.
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Dear valued customer, As you may know, on July 25th, 2017, our main web site,, along with other Marketo domain properties, were rendered inaccessible, preventing access to our application from 4:06am – 10:08am PDT. We apologize again for the inconvenience this caused. On the Marketo Trust site, you’ll find current and past Marketo system performance data including System Uptime and Reliability. This is monitored 24x7 and we have consistently maintained greater than 99.9% uptime. This uptime is calculated based on the length of time that the Marketo systems are functioning properly within our servers (“pods”). While the Marketo systems were functioning and available by 10:08am PDT, we realize that due to third-party DNS propagation timing, some customers may have experienced delays in accessing our systems of up to 48 hours, depending on region. All Marketo back-end processes such as Smart Campaigns were still operational during the DNS propagation, however, the propagation reduced accessibility to Marketo for some users. As a result, we believe the normal calculation of system uptime may not accurately reflect everyone’s experience. To address this, we have decided to make a one-time change to our normal calculation for July to more closely track what our customers may have experienced in terms of accessing our systems regardless of whether the problem lay with us or was due to third party systems/processes. After studying the issue, we think the best way to calculate this is based on customer logins to the system. We looked at the first login time for each pod and used login as a proxy to calculate when customers were able to access Marketo. This one-time calculation is a better reflection of the frustration you may have experienced in accessing Marketo. We will return to using our normal calculation for August. For the month of July, our server pod uptime was 99.997%. All back-end systems, such as smart campaigns, were processing normally while the domain was offline, so when calculated in the normal way, our server pod uptime for July was 99.997% When taking into account the 6 hours when the domain was not available, the system uptime for the month of July was 99.17% As mentioned, if we add the full extent of the DNS propagation as discussed above, and take an average of the first logins across the entire customer base, the average user accessibility for July would be approximately 97.77%. For additional information please contact Marketo Support and see our FAQ document and this letter from our CEO Steve Lucas.
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Note: Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer, because Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting custom JavaScript. Is this article helpful ? YesNo   The default subscription management records the email address through hidden fields when users click the unsubscribe link in emails. A simple JavaScript can capture the email parameter and pre-populate a visible field. Drag and Drop a "Custom HTML" object into the top of the unsubscribe landing page. Add the following code:   <script language="Javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/js/public/jQueryString-2.0.2-Min.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> <script>   // to set cookies.  Uses noConflict just in case   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();   var pEmail = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "Email" });   document.getElementById("Email").setAttribute("value", pEmail);   </script>
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Issue Values for a person were changed while they were in a wait step and you want to know if this will affect the values they see in an email they are set to receive after they come out of the wait step.     Solution When a lead enters a wait step, they are put on hold until the specified time. The logic is simply to wait until the specified time, then move on to whatever the next step is. The next step can even be changed while people are waiting, and they will go on to the new step. No content is generated in preparation of them exiting the step. When the wait step ends, the person moves on to the next step in the flow. Any information that was updated while they were waiting will be reflected in that next step. Thus, if values were changed while they were in the wait step, those new values will appear in the email they are sent after the wait step.    
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Welcome to your Marketo Account Group.  This is a group area that is private to your company.  Only people that your Marketo Support Admin invites to this space can be involved in the conversations you have and the content that you create. You might be asking yourself how you are going to use this space or how does this space benefit the work that you are going to do?  You can think of this space as our toolkit, meeting room, notebook, communication portal all wrapped up in one convenient location. Here are a few ideas on how this space can be used. Communication with your team Use this area to start your own discussions or use it to ask your own team questions.  If you are working on a project, you can list our tasks, activities, and milestones to be shared and updated with your team.  Work efficiency always involves everybody staying informed and the key to that is a single source or information. Build your own Marketo Reference Kit Utilize the wealth of resources that Marketo has by creating your own reference kit of Help Articles, Support Solutions, Videos, and posts that you and your team find useful and will be useful for any new members to are added to your group. Record your Marketo history Marketo is a powerful tool  that offers a lot of flexibility and features in building your campaigns and communications, but all the logic and thought behind how your work is structured can be lost if someone else needed to. Create your own documentation and content If you have customized solutions or FAQ's that would benefit your team, you can create your own documents that are visible only to this one space.  Use this space as a private repository of knowledge for your team.  If you feel your content can be a benefit to the rest of the community, you are always welcome to share with the rest of the Marketing Nation. A link to Marketo Support If you have a problem that requires some assistance from the experts, your authorized support contacts can use the CaseConnector app in this space to submit a ticket to our support team.  The CaseConnector is also used to manage your current cases and view your closed cases also. A Customer Account Manager channel Your Marketo Customer Account Manager can use your space to contact you and check in to ensure that your goals are on track with the work that is being done.  Post a discussion and @mention your CAM and they can respond to you and your team. So there you have it, just a few ideas of how this Account Group can be used.  There are countless other ways to take advantage of this private are and the different actions that you and your team and build on.
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Issue Description How to check if a lead was deleted using API   Issue Resolution You would need to use the specific endpoint :!/Activities/getDeletedLeads   Who This Solution Applies To Customers use REST API Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue When testing an approved Landing Page test group, the browser is rerouted to the fallback/homepage instead. Solution All Test Group Assets in the section must be approved. If all assets are approved and there is still rerouting, please contact Support.
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Marketo recommends keeping the FT (First Touch) and MT (Multi-Touch) in separate reports .   Though they are attribution metrics, FT and MT use different measures to derive pipeline and revenue attribution.  One should not try to compare FT and MT metrics and having them in the same reports may cause confusion.   Step 1:  In RCE, Program Opportunity Analysis, identify the Program and Opportunity of interest.  If verifying FT, pull in relevant FT metrics. Ditto for MT. Also pull in Opportunity Closed and Opportunity Stage.  The combination will tell you if the status of opportunity (open, won, lost)  - which does affect attribution.   Step 2:  For the opportunity, find out the lead(s) associated to that opportunity and opportunity create/close date, status information. One way is to get this information is to do so in SFDC.  In SFDC, search for that Opportunity and scroll down to the Contact Role section to identify the associated leads (contact).  Other opportunity information should also be available. Another way is in RCE, Opportunity Analysis area.  Filter Opportunity Name to the opportunity of interest.  Pull in # of Opportunities and Lead Name.  You can also find out oppty create/closed date, status in this area.   Step 3:  Find out acquisition and success status/dates for the leads in the program In Marketing Activities, go to the program and click on Member. Search for the lead by name. The column Acquired By and Success will tell you if the lead is acquired by the program and/or achieved success, respectively. If the lead is acquired, to get Acquisition Date for this lead, in the lead grid, choose column Acquisition Date If the lead achieved success, to get Success date: Go to Lead details, click on Activity Log tab Search for program name and filter on activity type 'Change Status in Progression' Locate the FIRST success activity when a lead changed to a successful status.  RCA only counts the first success.  The activity date is the success date.   Step 4:  Evaluate if program is qualified for attribution for the program   The combination of Acquisition program/date, success status/date, opportunity create/close dates and opportunity status will help determine FT/MT attribution.  The rules of attributions is documented in Product Docs. With all the information gathered, you can now determine if the program is qualified for attribution for this opportunity.  Again, this technique is to verify if the program should get some attribution and doesn't necessarily give you the exact units and dollars.
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Enable people to fill in forms using their social network profile. Social form fill also captures social profile data about your leads. Not all customers have purchased this functionality. Contact your sales rep for details. 1. In Marketing Activities, select the form, and click Edit Form. 2. Under Form properties, click the Social Form Fill link to enable it. 3. Select the social networks leads can use to prefill the form. 4. Buttons for the selected networks appear at the top of your form. Enabling social form fill might affect the layout of the landing page that contains your form. What's Next: See Manage Social Profile Data for the fields that are available from each social network.
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Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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The reason why the Sales Insight Anonymous Web Activity report differs from the Lead Management Anonymous Web Activity report is because the Sales Insight report does not show anonymous leads whose company name is either blank or is an ISP while the Lead Management report shows everything. The Sales Insight tool is geared towards Sales, and visitors with blank or ISP company names could be misleading to the Sales person. You can see this by looking at the Lead Management report. Notice that the visitors whose company name is bolded are the ones that are displayed in Sales Insight. When the company name is bolded, that means that the visitors company name has been verified using a reverse DNS lookup. Conversely, if the company name for the visitor is not bolded (or is missing), the reverse DNS lookup just shows us the ISP (or nothing if the reverse DNS lookup yields nothing). If you want to remove anonymous leads who do not have company information from your web activity report, follow these instructions: Hide anonymous leads without an inferred company in web activity reports
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