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Issue How to export a list of all the field mappings between Marketo and SFDC.     Solution Issue Resolution You can do export field mappings by following these steps: Go to Admin > Field Management. Click over a tab to Field Mapping. Click the export button, next to the search bar at the bottom.  
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Issue Users for your Marketo instance are unable to log into the instance. Solution Check your landing page URLs and email links. If these are also unavailable, your Marketo instance may have been shut off. Marketo Support can confirm whether your instance has been deactivated, but are not able to reactivate it.  In this situation, please contact your Marketo Account Representative to discuss the status of the instance and regaining access.        
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Issue Is to possible to set up a distribution list (for internal employees) in Marketo? Solution There is no such feature called "Distribution list" in Marketo. An email can be sent to people only of they are part of your lead database. Alternate Workaround: You can create a excel sheet for your internal employees with their email addresses and import them into a Marketo static list.  You can refer this list in your smart campaign whenever you would need to send a communication email. Note: Mark the email you send as "Operational" to ensure that it reaches all the people in the imported list.    
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Issue Description You try to approve a segmentation and get the error message of "No possible draft" even when there is a draft in place. Issue Resolution This error message can be a little misleading, as there usually is a draft in place. Check to make sure that segments in the draft have smart list filters in place and that there are no empty values in the smart lists. An example of an empty value would be "First Name is ____" instead of "First Name is Joe."
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Issue You have a lead that is marked as Email Suspended and you are not sure whether they can receive Marketo emails or not. Solution When emails bounce as spam, the lead that bounced is set to "Email Suspended." "Email Suspended" is a historical field.  A more accurate name for this field would probably be "This email was suspended at some point in its history."  The actual suspension only lasts 24 hours. To see if the lead is currently suspended, check the timestamp on the 'Email Suspended' field.  If it is more than 24 hours ago, the lead is not currently suspended and can receive email from your Marketo instance.  However, the "Email Suspended" flag will remain on the lead record for the purposes of future troubleshooting.  It is not possible to set "Email Suspended" to "false" once it has been set to "true."  The "Email Suspended Cause" field will provide the bounce message associated with the most recent spam bounce.    
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Issue You created a picklist field in SFDC and want to know if that field will sync down to Marketo with the field type of picklist.     Solution Marketo has a picklist option in form fields, but not in Lead Database fields. When you sync a field from SFDC that has the type of picklist, this field will show in Marketo with a type of String. However, when you create a form, the field type for your field will show as "select," which is a picklist.  
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Issue Description Are smart list filters that accept text values case-sensitive (e.g. First Name, Last Name)?   Issue Resolution Smart list filters are NOT case-sensitive. For example: If you use the smart list filter 'First Name is John', it will return leads with First Name 'John' or 'john' with a lower case 'j' Vice versa: If you use the smart list filter 'First Name is john', it will return leads with First Name 'john' or 'John' with an upper case 'j' Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue You notice that new records in Marketo have the 'Website' and 'Company Name' fields populated with the domain of their email address.     Solution This will happened when a new lead is created by a form fill-out. If the new record is imported or created manually then this would not apply. This design decision has been a part of the code for many years where the domain of the email is used for the company name and website fields on the lead record. This feature cannot be disabled.    
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Issue Description You have a Smart List that should exclude a group of leads from a campaign, but they still show up in the Qualified Leads list   Issue Resolution Check the filter logic for your Smart Lampaign. "Or" logic allows leads that only qualify for some but not all of the filters to be included in the membership.  For example, you could have a Smart List with the following filters. SFDC Type = Contacts Unsubscribed = False (You are trying to exclude unsubscribed leads) Visited Webpage -   If you use the following Advanced logic - "(1 or 2) and 3" - you will still have unsubscribed leads showing up in the list because they are Contacts, and the logic says they can be either Contacts or Unsubscribed = False.  They only need to satisfy one of the two filters to qualify, and an unsubscribed Contact would go through.   There is a blog post that goes into more detail on this.  Smart List Logic - How many people do you want in your club? Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue The activity log is not recording the Open Email activity for an email send. Solution Issue Resolution Email opens are linked to an individual asset. If a record is sent the same email more than once, only the first open activity will be recorded. If you are not seeing opens record for a record, search the activity history to confirm whether or not the asset has been opened previously.  Also, Text-Only emails lack the tracking pixel used to determine whether an email is opened, so Text-Only emails will never show opens in the activity log.  In Email Performance Reports, Opens will be backfilled by the report's internal logic if the customer clicks a link in the Text-Only email.  Otherwise, opens will not be recorded.    
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Issue Description You've been using Marketo for a while and have started noticing that smart lists take longer to process than before. There are multiple filters in your smart list ranging from really specific attributes about a person to really broad geographical information. Issue Resolution The best performance will come when you order the smart list filters from most restrictive to least restrictive. Since your entire database is checked against the first filter, if we can narrow down the number of leads which move on to the next, there are fewer and fewer leads who qualify for each of the subsequent filters. Many times, the processing difference will be minimal. However, as your database grows, the penalty on efficiency can grow over time. If you haven't checked it out already, take a peek over at our product documentation for smart list best practices:
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Summary Unable to update Person Source as expected for records created with the LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms and Facebook Lead Ads integrations. Issue New records created through LinkedIn Lead Gen forms as well as Facebook Lead Ads results in the records not updating the Person Source field as expected.  Solution Person Source may be set to block updates to the field as noted in the example for Block Updates to a Field - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation.  To resolve the issue ensure the field is not set to block updates for the desired update method.  Alternatively the Person Source values populated by the integrations can be kept and expected values can be updated to include these sources.  Root Cause The LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms and Facebook Lead Ads integrations automatically update the Person Source to preset values when a new record is created in Marketo through the integrations. Blocking field updates to the field may prevent the value from changing to pre-configured values as a value already exist for the integration created records.  Environment LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms Facebook Lead Ads
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Issue Description: The Activity Log shows "Fill out a form" without a page visit. How users could fill out a form without visiting the page? Issue Resolution: Google Chrome introduced Incognito. Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer implemented Private Browsing. Pages that users visit in Private Browsing/Incognito will not leave traces, like cookies, on users' computers after they close all open windows. A normal visit to any page is not tracked during visits, regardless the navigation path. That includes other pages after the form is filled out. The new Do Not Track feature is a contributing factor for apparently incomplete Activity Logs. When users turn on the Do-not-track feature, the browser tells every website they visit (as well as their advertisers and other content providers) that they do not want their browsing behavior tracked. Honoring this setting is voluntary — individual websites are not required to respect it. Websites that do honor this setting should automatically stop tracking your behavior without any further action from users.
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Issue Does Marketo re-use or recycle old deleted lead IDs?  Root Cause After a lead is fully deleted, it would be very rare for the lead ID to be re-used. The vast majority of the time lead IDs are unique and not re-used. If you have an external database or reporting system that relies on a unique lead ID, the best practice would be to ensure these systems are up-to-date on all lead deletions.
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Question: Is it possible to assign a lead owner during a list import?   Answer: No. The reason for this is because lead ownership is a Salesforce functionality and should be first done from within Salesforce. If you are not able to do the assignment in Salesforce, here is one option that is available to you within Marketo:   1) Upload your leads into Marketo's Lead Database without lead owner information. i.e. your import CSV will not have any lead owner column in it. More information on importing leads can be found here: Import a List of Leads from a Spreadsheet into Marketo (Import List).   2) Once the list import is successfully completed and your leads are in Marketo, you can use the "Sync Person to SFDC" flow action to assign lead ownership. More information on the "Sync Person to SFDC" flow action at Sync Person to SFDC.
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Issue How do you delete the data in Marketo Custom Object records, or in specific fields on the custom object if the the custom objects have already been created and approved? Solution Marketo Custom Objects are not accessible via the User-Interface. API calls must be utilized in order to delete this record data.   You can delete the records via the 'Delete Custom Objects' call Delete Custom Objects   If you are interested in extracting any of the existing data, you can use the following GET call. You will need to make a 'Get Custom Objects' call Edit Custom Objects   Here is an additional resource that may be useful and relevant List Custom Objects
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Issue You have Workspaces and Partitions in your instance, and a static list that used to contain certain leads is now missing those leads.  The leads still exist in the database and there is no "Remove from List" activity in the Activity History for the affected leads.     Solution This can happen when the workspace that contains the static list no longer has visibility to the partition that the lead record is located in.  The lead may have been moved to a different partition, or the partitions that are accessible to the workspace may have been changed. To confirm whether this is the case, do the following Go to Admin > Workspaces & Partitions and locate the workspace that contains the static list Confirm which partitions are accessible to that workspace Go to the lead record of one of the leads that was in the static list before but is not now. See which partition the lead is in currently. If the lead's partition is not accessible to the static lists's workspace, the lead will not show up in the static list.  
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Issue Description You want to measure who clicks a specific link that uses a query string from a landing page, but when you try to use this logic in a smart campaign or smart list, it tells you the URL can’t be found, even though you can see the URL embedded on the landing page.       Issue Resolution If you are using the link "", then you need to seperate the url into the link and the query string. The root domain (Link in the filter/trigger) will be and the query string (from Add Constraint dropdown) will be firstname=test. This will allow you to correctly track the links you are wanting.       Make sure that you have the correct Web Page associated as a constraint as well.     For a better understanding of what query strings are, they are the parameters that are preceded by the "?" in the url.         Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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We have enhanced the behavior of the unsubscribe functionality to make it “durable”.  We have added a master email status, which is separate from the unsubscribe flag visible on the lead detail record.   If the unsubscribe flag is set from false to true, the master email status is updated, and the change is propagated to other leads with the same email address. Update the Unsubscribe flag from True to False (e.g. Re-subscribe a lead) When a lead is imported, the unsubscribe flag WILL NOT be overwritten by the import. Here are the ways a lead can be re-subscribed: 1.   In SFDC, uncheck the Email Opt Out field.  This WILL sync to Marketo. 2.   Manually update the lead detail record by un-checking the unsubscribe flag 3.   Run a Change Data Value Flow Action on one or many leads a.  Select the attribute “unsubscribe” and set the value to False 4.   Update an existing lead via SOAP API 5.   Form Field – set a field on a form to set the unsubscribe flag to “false” and this will unsubscribe the lead a. Best practice would be to have text on the form that says that by filling out this form, they are agreeing to receive email communication Creating a New Lead When a new lead is created, we check it against the master email status table.  If the lead was previously unsubscribed, we will update the record to be unsubscribed.   Changing an email address If you change the email address of a lead to an unsubscribed email address, the lead will be unsubscribed.  This change can occur in either Marketo or SFDC. If you change an unsubscribed email address to one that is subscribed, the lead will be subscribed.    
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Issue You have been sending live emails (non-samples) to yourself or colleagues to test functionality of an upcoming email blast, and even though you may be opening the email, you are not seeing the open email activity on the Lead Activity Log.     Solution Note that there may be a slight delay between opening the email, and the activity displaying on the Log. Marketo considers an "open" to be when the images in the email are downloaded, specifically a single-pixel tracking image. The recipient may be receiving the emails and viewing them, but not downloading the images. This would not count as an "open."  Please note that since text-only emails have no images, so they will never log an Open activity. If the images are being downloaded, and you are still not seeing the activity after about 5 minutes, check to make sure there are no duplicate leads that are logging the activity instead.  If you need further assistance, please contact Marketo Support.    
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