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Issue When I go to the Support area of Nation, I do not have full access to all the areas and tools.   Solution Our system is specific about how you need to access the Support Portal before we can authorize you to use it. The proper steps to take for us to authorize, and for you to submit cases, are as follows:   Log into your instance Click the Community tile (step 1 image) Click Support in the top banner (step 2 image) Click Submit a Case option (step 3 image) Choose from top options depending on what you need to do (step 4 image) Create a case, Manage authorized contacts, edit your Info   Simply going straight to the will not have the desired result. You must access the Support Portal from your instance by using these steps so that our system recognizes you properly. If this is your first time following these steps, your view of Step 3 will be different- not to worry, as that will be updated for you manually. Step 1 Step 2   Step 3 Step 4   If you experience issues, please email
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Issue Issue Description When a lead is created through an API call, the Reason and Source attributes say "Web Service API" with no further detail.       Solution Issue Resolution As described in the doc here,, "Source" and "Reason" fields are managed by Marketo: Web Service API for Original Source Type means Person was discovered by a web service API. For Registration Source Type, it states that Person was created via SOAP/REST API When a lead is created via API, no additional "Source" or "Reason" is provided to Marketo. A possible workaround is to create a custom field and populate it as needed through the API.    
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Issue Issue Description API Only user is not appearing when creating a service in [Admin > LaunchPoint]     Solution Issue Resolution It is highly likely that the reason why the API user was not appearing because it did not have "API Only" ticked. This can be checked in [Admin > Users & Roles > User > Edit User]. However, this cannot be modified once the API user is created, so in order for the API user to appear in LaunchPoint, "API Only" must be ticked when the API user is created.    Reference: Create an API Only User Role   Who This Solution Applies To Admin users
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Issue When making API calls, Marketo reports the daily API limit has been reached but does not show when the limit resets.   Solution When Marketo shows the daily API limit has been reached, it will reset itself that night at midnight central time, and then will allow for the API calls to resume. These are the reset times according to US time zones.   10:00 PM Pacific 11:00 PM Mountain 12:00 AM Central 01:00 AM Eastern      
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Issue Do webhook calls contribute to the daily API limit/quota visible in [Admin > Integration > Web Services > API Call Information] ?   Solution No, webhook calls are not counted as part of the daily API limit. Webhooks do not have any execution limits.  
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Issue REST API call, Get Lead Activities, is returning 603 error     Solution Error 603 refers to 'access denied' where authentication is successful but the user doesn’t have sufficient permission to call this API. Additional permissions may need to be assigned to the user role. Go to Admin > Users and Roles Select API User and identify what role it is assigned to (e.g. API role) Go to Roles and check the permissions assigned to the API role Check to see if the API role has 'Read-Only Activity' or 'Read-Write Activity' permission In order to make a Get Lead Activities REST API call with the API user, the API role of the user must be modified to have permissions to  'Read-Only Activity' or 'Read-Write Activity'. If you use Workspaces and Partitions, make sure the API User has the necessary access to the workspaces/partitions being called.    
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Issue The Get Lead Activities REST API is not returning any activities even though the lead referenced definitely has multiple activities of the type being called. REQUEST: https://[munchkinID] RESPONSE: { "requestId": "xyz123", "success": true, "nextPageToken": "ABC", "moreResult": true }     Solution The Get Lead Activity REST API are reliant on timestamps for their nextPageToken. Each Get Lead Activity call will go through 300 activities of ALL types from the timestamp placed on the nextPageToken. This is supported by the article "By default, the endpoints mentioned in this section will return 300 activity items at a time.  If the moreResult attribute is true, this means that more results are available. Continue to call the endpoint until the moreResult attribute returns false, which means that there are no more results available." Based on that, the reason why the API call does not return any activities is that it does not find any activities of type 46 in the 300 activities it checks from the timestamp placed on the nextPageToken So when making a Get Lead Activity call for a specific activity type, ensure that nextPageToken is as close as to the timestamp of the specific activities    
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Issue How to use the REST API to check for deleted leads. Solution You would need to use the specific endpoint This will pull a list of leads deleted within a specific timeframe.  Deletions older than 14 days may be pruned.      
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Summary When submitting a file for bulk import via the REST API, the uploads appears to stall with no response. Issue Occasionally Bulk Import API calls will "hang" or "stall" never returning a response. This may appear to be a blank or missing response when the API is actually still waiting for the end of the file to be transferred. Solution You can add the following header: 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' to your API calls and it will fix this issue. Please note that adding this header on the client side will cause cURL to send data in chunks. For more information on chunked file transfer, see Wikipedia: Chunked Transfer Encoding Environment REST API Bulk Import
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Issue Clearing cache and cookies in your browser will fix a number of different problems related to page display, browser errors, and login issues.     Solution Here are links to the support articles on how to clear cache and cookies for the most commonly used browsers. Chrome Clear cache and cookies - Computer - Google Account Help   FireFox How to clear the Firefox cache | Firefox Help   Internet Explorer   Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge, browsing data, and privacy – Microsoft privacy    
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Issue When using the GET Activities API with a specific list Id in the parameter, the response will get all the specified activities from other assets as well. This is the endpoint for this article.     Solution Instead of using list Id (listId) as a parameter, change that to asset Ids (assetId) in the API call. The Asset ID (assetId) is the Id of the primary asset for an activity. Then, the response will narrow down the activities associated to the primary asset by looking up the Id during the call.
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Marketo Support's Mission is: To provide fast and friendly world-class support through creative, flexible solutions to empower Marketo Automation Software success.   Areas of Responsibility: Technical Support Engineers (TSEs) are your initial point of contact for any technical questions or concerns. TSEs are responsible for troubleshooting issues within your Marketo instance and common include:   My Marketo Marketing Activities Design Studio Lead Database Analytics Revenue Explorer (RCA/RCE) Calendar Deliverability Tools Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Web Personalization (RTP) Admin Community   Our TSEs are not web developers and as a result they are unable to troubleshoot most types of custom coding (ie. HTML, JavaScript, XML, etc.). Our support team is able to help with the following types of non-custom code:    Simple Munchkin Code Asynchronous Munchkin Code Asynchronous jQuery Munchkin Code SOAP API REST API   Our TSEs are here to assist you and our support commitment to our customers is to always work towards providing an above and beyond support experience.   Note: Our team is not against looking at custom code and, based on the subject matter expertise, our TSEs might be able to offer suggestions and recommendations, but we do want to make it clear that they are not responsible for fixing or updating any custom code that has been implemented.   Response Time   Our TSEs are bound to responding to your cases and issues within the Service Level Agreements from your account's level of support services.  We track response milestones to ensure that your cases are being handled in a timely manner as dictated by our agreed to Service Level Targets.
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Issue Would a requested campaign via API show in activity log if filtered? Ex: You request a campaign, and the lead does not qualify due to a filter. Will the activity log show the request occurring?     Solution Yes, the request will show no matter if the lead runs through the flow or not. The request campaign action will be recorded, but the lead will not go through the flow steps if they do not meet the requested campaign's Smart List requirements.  
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Issue Users for your Marketo instance are unable to log into the instance. Solution Check your landing page URLs and email links. If these are also unavailable, your Marketo instance may have been shut off. Marketo Support can confirm whether your instance has been deactivated, but are not able to reactivate it.  In this situation, please contact your Marketo Account Representative to discuss the status of the instance and regaining access.        
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Issue Description REST API call, Get Lead Activities, is returning 603 error   Issue Resolution Error 603 refers to 'access denied' where authentication is successful but the user doesn’t have sufficient permission to call this API. Additional permissions may need to be assigned to the user role.   Go to Admin > Users and Roles Select API User and identify what role it is assigned to (e.g. API role) Go to Roles and check the permissions assigned to the API role Check to see if the API role does not have 'Read-Only Activity' or 'Read-Write Activity' permission In order to make a Get Lead Activities REST API call with the API user, the API role of the user must be modified to have permissions to  'Read-Only Activity' or 'Read-Write Activity'. If you use Workspaces and Partitions, make sure the API User has the necessary access. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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If you have submitted a support case and you feel that the case was improperly handled or that the solution being offered does not meet the communicated Marketo support expectations, then we would welcome the opportunity to look deeper at your specific support engagement and work with you on delivering a better resolution. Caution: If the item you're looking to escalate is related to a Production Down incident, please call the support line for your region to receive immediate assistance. Support Manager escalations are only handled during normal business hours. The phone numbers for each region are listed below, follow the prompts for P1: Americas: +1.877.270.6586, Direct: +1.650.376.2303 Europe, Middle East, & Africa: +353 (0)1 242 3030,  UK: 0800 151 3030 Asia Pacific: +61 2 8031 8188 Japan: +81.03.4233.9014 How to Escalate: Step 1. Navigate to the "Case Management" area of the support portal either by mousing over the Support tab and selecting "Case Management" or clicking the Support tab and click on the “My Case Management” button. NOTE: You will need an open or recently closed case in order to escalate to support leadership. This is a article attached image   Step 2. From here you will need to click on either an open or a recently closed* case:   This is a article attached image   *Support Cases that have been closed for longer than 10 days are no longer eligible to be re-opened and we ask that you open a new support ticket for your current issue prior to escalating to a Support Manager. We ask that you have an open support ticket for a Support Manager to be able to address specific issues. Step 3. After selecting a case, click on the Escalate to Manager button:   This is a article attached image     Step 4. A pop up will display and you will need to the purpose for the escalation and click on the “Escalate” button.   This is a article attached image   Once your support escalation case has been submitted a Marketo Support Leader will contact you within 1 business day of your support region's support hours to address the issue.
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Adobe Marketo offers a number of ways to contact Marketo Support directly for assistance from our different support regions. Further details about your Adobe Success Plan can be found HERE. Note: If your Marketo Instance and Users have been migrated to Admin Console, refer to this Admin Console Overview page for managing the Adobe entitlements across your organization and to engage Marketo Support.   Marketo Support Portal (   The Marketo Support Portal features a web form to submit support cases to Marketo Support. The form provides Authorized Support contacts the ability to provide details on the support issue that allows Marketo Support to efficiently and effectively assign your case to the best suited available support engineer. We encourage you to leverage our Best Practices when submitting your case to Marketo Support.   Support Services – Regions, Hours, and Languages Authorized Support contacts can engage Marketo Support by calling one of our Adobe Enterprise Phone Numbers for your region. Live Telephone and Online Technical Support Priority 1 incidents: 24x7x365 via phone or online support case Priority 2-4 incidents: Support available during regional business hours via chat or online support case. Regional Business Hours Applicable regional business hours are based on the billing address in the Sales Order or purchasing documents. If Adobe is contacted for support by someone other than the designated Named Support Contacts, Adobe may request that that the support case be resubmitted by a Named Support Contact. Languages Japanese language support is available during Japanese regional business hours, excluding holidays or Adobe days off. Japanese support is not available for Adobe Commerce. With the above exception, all Support will only be provided in English. Support Access Customer will grant Adobe Support access to applicable customer systems via remote support tools controlled by Adobe for the purpose of troubleshooting and support services. Regional Business Hours for Support Applicable regional business hours are based on the billing address in the Sales Order or purchasing documents.   Americas Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia Pacific Japan 6 am – 5:30 pm 9 am – 5 pm 9 am – 5 pm 9 am – 5 pm  
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Attached to this article is a ASP.NET C# implementation of Marketo's SOAP API. This is just a sample, but it may be useful for providing a starting point for building your own SOAP API client. Learn more: Marketo SOAP API Note: You will need access to experienced developers This is not supported development by Marketo Support. Our support engineers are not able to provide assistance in building or troubleshooting SOAP API's.
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