Seeking Marketo Management Consultant/Freelancer

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Seeking Marketo Management Consultant/Freelancer

We are a Shreveport, LA-based workforce management company that has been using Marketo for almost a year now, but have yet to get the engine running on all cylinders due to lack of resources.  We are looking to hire a freelancer or consultant to manage Marketo for our organization, including but not limited to Program, Nuture Stream, and database management, as well as creation of landing pages, forms, marketing and sales emails, etc. so that we can maximize the full potential of our investment. 

We need someone who is a Marketo expert and can help us create successful Programs and Campaigns to increase engagement and sales.  We would like someone who close to where we are, but will work with anyone who has similar hours to us.

If you're interested, please contact me in this post and we can make arrangement to talk over the phone.


Rachel Maner
APS - 
Tags (1)
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Seeking Marketo Management Consultant/Freelancer


My team would be happy to help. We are all long time Marketo users who started in Marketing and can both extend your team to get things done and advise on how to get it done.

Contact me:
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Re: Seeking Marketo Management Consultant/Freelancer

Hi Rachel - I would enjoy learning more about your current opportunity. I am based right outside of San Francisco and currently open to taking on new projects.

Please let me know when you have 10-15 minutes to speak. I can be reached at

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Re: Seeking Marketo Management Consultant/Freelancer

Hello Rachel,

I am interested in this opportunity. I am currently in Austin, Texas and would love a chance to chat with you and express what I could provide for your company.

My personal email address is 


-William Ordeman
Not applicable

Re: Seeking Marketo Management Consultant/Freelancer

Hi Rachel,

I hope all is well!

I'd also like to "throw my hat in the ring" for this opportunity.  My company's name is Marketing Automation Canada (, and we're a five person company focused primarily on Marketo work.  We have the bandwidth to quickly work through the types of projects that you've outlined, and the expertise to ensure they're done at the highest level, every time.

Though we are in Toronto, most of our Marketo clients are on the west coast, and we work quite well with the slight time difference.

Please contact me at my email address:


Jordan Hellyer
Not applicable

Re: Seeking Marketo Management Consultant/Freelancer

Hi Rachel,

What you're describing is not one person 🙂 it's a small team of people who each have their own strengths and ideally different billing rates based on the task involved.

For example, often there is a person who will help you setup the programs and campaign as a template (using best practices and overall architecture considerations), then there is another person who will then be responsible for the day to day execution of those programs, and yet another person entirely for the asset (emails, landing pages, forms) creation. Some companies even like to have dedicated writers, database admins and/or reporting analysts.

The reason for this is that:
  • If you find someone who is expert in all of these areas, then they will inevitably be very expensive and not cost-effective to help with your day-to-day operations.
  • The skills required are diverse enough that someone who is an expert in one area is likely not an expert in another.

So if you do decide to hire an individual, I would try to pick the main area of Marketo that you would like them to be an expert in - and focus on that.

I'm happy to chat and provide references of both companies and individuals as needed: or 720-470-1469.

Good luck!


Not applicable

Re: Seeking Marketo Management Consultant/Freelancer

I think Grant's feedback is fair, though his points are why I think our company would be a good, balanced match for your needs.  As I mentioned, we're a five person shop - two art directors, two marketo administration experts, and a web developer.  All of us are trained in Marketo, so we're able to execute projects from the first design phase through to the final set up in Marketo.



Re: Seeking Marketo Management Consultant/Freelancer

Hi Rachel,
At Grazitti, we have helped number of customers and partners with Marketo and Salesforce consulting. We are based in India so we can help you with all aspects of Marketo at great offshore rates and quick turnarounds:
1.      Campaign Design
2.      Asset Creation
3.      Campaign Execution and Reporting
4.     Custom Integration


It would be great if you can send us an email on or call me at 650-585-6640.