Wildcard support

Wildcard support

Many times I want to find for example a page visit (not our website but our web application) and the page will be someting like blah.com/project/234567/appspace where the number is a Project_ID but the "appspace" tells me what the user did / what the user launhed (for their project).  I need to be able to have a wildcard page bah.com/project/*/appspace.

I m sure there are other cases as well.  I know in ouruse of KISSMETRIC weuse wildcards a ton.

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Pushing the Like button once wasn't satisfying enough on this one. SUPER LIKE!!! 
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It would be great to see an update after 3 years. Is their still no wildcard support? Our own use-case is for Smart Filters.

E.g., having a monthly update list which needs to be seperated, such as "contact_June, contact_July", etc.

Instead of adding every contact_MONTH list, having a wildcard, for "Member of List IN contact_*" is much more of a Marketing Automation feature, vs Manual Automation Automation List Management.

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Agree with the other two commenters. I would add that this is one of the basic search functions of any modern database.

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Another use case, to filter government or military email addresses. Here, we only want to filter when the phrase .gov or .mil is after the at sign in the email address. Even if we could use "ends with" it would be possible, but it seems that this is also not yet supported.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

By no means a final resolution, but as a workaround I maintain a field that's always

     {{Lead.Email Address}}$

(The "$" character will never be a valid part of an email domain, so it's a safe delimiter, and it's also shorthand for end-of-line in a regex context.)

Then match on [contains] ".gov$" and so on.

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Absolutely brilliant! Thanks Sanford Whiteman

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas